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MY 2204 is acting up


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hey guys im playing my 800 and im noticing some wierd type of reverb happening, the only thing is this amp dosent have reverb..whats wrong with it , my guess would be that it needs new caps, any other suggestions would be helpful, thanks guys:confused:





p.s. it comes in and out meaning sometimes it happends sometimes it dosent

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Always try the tubes first. They are the easiest part of the amp to access and cause a lot of amp "problems".

You didn't really explain your problem very well but from the sounds of it you are getting some ghosting. This may be a capacitor problem. If the amp is over 20 years old it's time for some new caps. Most caps will give you 10 -15 years (according to the white papers). If you're planning on playing any older amp on a regular basis it's in your best interest to get a cap job. If you're afraid of the "vintage" aspect then save the caps - just in case you sell it down the road and someone wants an amp that doesn't work properly or wants to blow a transformer. :p


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lol I'm not gonna sell it i just tried out a mesa dual rec 2 ch and too much tweaking to be done and even with good setting i didn't like it, however i didn't do any boosting with an od pedal so maybe that played a role but im satisfied with my 800 especially when i get that new cab that i tried out , im just getting agitated with all of the repairs and $ I'm putting into it, but i guess that just comes with good tone out of a 28 year old amp, 28 years old danm...

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im just getting agitated with all of the repairs and $ I'm putting into it, but i guess that just comes with good tone out of a 28 year old amp, 28 years old danm...



Wow! How much stuff did you have to have done so far?


I always thought that a JCM 800 (2203 or 2204) would be more reliable than a lot of other amps due to it's simplicity.


I'm probably wrong though.....

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