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My neighbors def hate me now ha


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It was too nice outside today so I decided to throw the wireless on my strap.:thu: I cranked up the volume up till it was at about gig volume and I sat on my patio and played outside :lol:


I'm seriously waiting to hear someone scream "hey asshole STFU" or "why don't you play something good":lol:

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It was too nice outside today so I decided to throw the wireless on my strap.
I cranked up the volume up till it was at about gig volume and I sat on my patio and played outside

I'm seriously waiting to hear someone scream "hey asshole STFU" or "why don't you play something good":lol:

I came home from school for the weekend, and I haven't played my Einstein for a month.

I dimed it. Your neighbors hate you! I live in the "historic district" of town (read old fogeyville) and they {censored}ing call me an asshole whenever they see me. I love it.

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It was too nice outside today so I decided to throw the wireless on my strap.
I cranked up the volume up till it was at about gig volume and I sat on my patio and played outside

I'm seriously waiting to hear someone scream "hey asshole STFU" or "why don't you play something good":lol:


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Haha, what did you play???? That would be funny as hell for them to be sleeping only to be woken up by 120 decibles of TTriple Recto induced Hammer Smashed Face.



Just put the ipod on shuffle, in songs in drop c, so misery signals, august burns red, born of osiris, veil of maya, darkest hour TBDM

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ha you dont realize my wall of cabs are facing my neighbors house, this is the neighbor that doesnt like me or my family cuz our cars are too loud. so I have 2 4x12 and a sub getting powered by a triple recto and sig x
its so loud i can't stand in front of it i set it and run out of the house

Just put the ipod on shuffle, in songs in drop c, so misery signals, august burns red, born of osiris, veil of maya, darkest hour TBDM

Nice haha, i'm too afraid to even play my Micro Cube outside.

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ha you dont realize my wall of cabs are facing my neighbors house, this is the neighbor that doesnt like me or my family cuz our cars are too loud. so I have 2 4x12 and a sub getting powered by a triple recto and sig x
its so loud i can't stand in front of it i set it and run out of the house

Nice. I just love it when my 75 year old neighbor drives past when I'm getting her mail and yells asshole at me. Between our dirtbikes, streetbikes, music, guitar gear, drum set, my old fogey neighbors hate my ass.

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That rules. Piss your neighbors off.

I live on a Golf Course. I have not done it yet, but one day when it is really busy out there, I am going to roll my splawn onto the upper balcony and dime that {censored}er!



Reminds me of this:





Except for the crappy tone and playing.

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My next door neighbor has always hated me. I don't know why it started, he's just has a stick up his butt ever since we moved in. Anywho, my neighborhood is one of those that's always up at the crack of dawn doing {censored}, so one day I decided to have an early band practice. Coincidentally, this was the one day that I guess my next door neighbor decided to sleep in. Well, we started playing, and the next thing we now my neighbor is running out in his underwear and slippers yelling at us about calling the cops. :lol:

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dude speaking of driveways my bands supposed to be like headlining this festival in this kids driveway at the end of the summer
I cant wait to blast my fullstack in ppls faces literally

Ahh, driveway gigs. Have played a bunch of those. We had one that was supposed to be for like 50 people, but apparently the music carried a bit (kegs helped too). Ended up being like 400 people on some dudes lawn in East Butt{censored} CT.

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lol- my neighbor across the tracks has dogs and goes outside and gets them barking almost every morning at about 7:30/8 am. they can kiss my ass as far as im concearned, but no one has ever complained about my amp- i usually play it at gig volume inside just about any time i turn it on, not for that long though :idk:

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My next door neighbor has always hated me. I don't know why it started, he's just has a stick up his butt ever since we moved in. Anywho, my neighborhood is one of those that's always up at the crack of dawn doing {censored}, so one day I decided to have an early band practice. Coincidentally, this was the one day that I guess my next door neighbor decided to sleep in. Well, we started playing, and the next thing we now my neighbor is running out in his underwear and slippers yelling at us about calling the cops.

pics or it was ksefan in his underwear :freak:

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