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What is Marilyn Manson thinking?


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I agree, but Manson is not stupid at all. He knows that he has an image. He is a symbol for rebellious adolescents. He has even said in interviews that he shocks to sell records. However, there has to be some substance there. I mean, he has been around for a while now.



I think Manson is a good lyricist, but he sounds pretty crappy live, at least on the stuff I've heard. Also, I think people really underestimate the degree to which Reznor was responsible for making ACS as good of an album as it was. Listen to the Reznor-less follow up to ACS, Mechanical Animals, it absolutely sucks dirty dish water in comparison.

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I think Manson is a good lyricist, but he sounds pretty crappy live, at least on the stuff I've heard. Also, I think people really underestimate the degree to which Reznor was responsible for making ACS as good of an album as it was. Listen to the Reznor-less follow up to ACS, Mechanical Animals, it absolutely sucks dirty dish water in comparison.



Mechanical Animals still sounds light years beyond that new stuff.

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Mechanical Animals still sounds light years beyond that new stuff.



Judging by what's up on his Myspace page atm I'm going to definitely have to agree with you.


Anybody know how Madonna Wayne Gacy's lawsuit against Manson turned out?

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I don't get why people say stuff like that. What does his parents being wealthy have anything to do with him having views and being a little on the dark side when it comes to art? I don't get it.

Must he live in the ghetto to feel depressed like he does? I mean I'm not trying to be an asshole or nothing just saying. I grew up middle class, not rich. But I know rich people who have way more problems than I do. Money isn't everything. Theres a rich town close to me and they have the highest suicide rate.

As a matter of fact rich people always seem to be the most unhappy. You can even see it on this forum. The people who make fun of poor people are always making fun of everyone and have a lot of problems. They don't know how to treat people and they degrade people who they don't feel are as good as they are. But in their mind really they don't feel as good as those people. Some of them get in denial but eventually they come to terms with it and some end up killing their family and killing themselves. It's horrible what money and ego's can do to people. Some of the most horrible people I've ever talked to bashed poor people and talked about how much money they had and how they will only go to certain stores because they are to good for others. It's sad. I know people hate my Christian ways but I pray for those kindof people. We pray for them in my church too.



see you have to know Brian and not the image...aka: Mr. Manson as he likes to be called. there comes a point where you've lost who you are once you buy into your own hype. he's been buying it for years, why do you think twiggy left so many years ago? he was sick of the Ego and attittude, even though twiggy was the guy writing most of the songs and sharing credit with Brian.


i've been a witness to the bully that manson has become, when i went to give that guitar back to Jeordie, no one, I repeat, NO ONE! that does not work for the band was allowed to see manson before the show, yet i grew up with this dude. his personal assistant Rudy who happens to live with manson shoved me into a Wardrobe room and told me that if Manson saw me, rudy would lose his job.


when i finally saw him after the show he was standing outside his own bus, cause he does not ride with the rest of the band, as rudy explained, he is the star. when i went up to him and said hello, he was very polite until he heard some girl call him by his real name, then he flipped out and sent his security people over to correct her. again, lost sight of the people who put him where he is.


{censored} i remember when it was Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids and he drank beer from a dildo and threw candy into the crowd. they didn't have a drummer, just a drum machine.

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I would have to disagree. Marilyn Manson isn't famous for music. He's famous because he's a brilliant businessman. Kind of like Gene Simmons.

**Puts flame-suit on**



That would be true if Gene Simmons were in fact a good businessman. Fact is that almost nothing he's done as a businessman has been successful unless it's been directly Kiss related. He's done a horrid job with his promotional company and his promotions for the Indy Racing League basically consisted of him showing up to races which nobody gave a {censored} about. His record label is a joke and he was just publicly made a fool of at a Canadian music industry convention by a music lawyer onstage. He's such a failure he actually had to resort putting a Fake Ace and a Fake Paul onstage just to try to give people the impression that Kiss was still in fact a functioning band.

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