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Soundclick vs MySpace


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I thought MySpace was for pimps, porn stars and teenagers. Does anyone really use it? I think Facebook is the new MySpace.

I use Soundclick, but it does have too many popups.



MySpace has banners but no pop-ups. Unfortunately the song quality is low at 128kbps.


For bands I actually really like it. But you're right, most people have moved across to Facebook so it's not as strong a promotional tool as it once was.


I might check out Soundclick for myself and make my own decision.



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I don't like the Facebook music page too much, unless I'm missing something, because the music player is awful and stuck far away in the corner.


Soundclick is nice because you can have a page for each song, great for showing lyrics. Myspace is my favorite for networking and finding new fans.

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Myspace is good for a public front, methinks, even though it is getting like a desert over there.


Soundclick is good because it's easier to use, and change, and you can put a huge number of songs up. So I use that as a development and reference site.


Still don't have a facebook page, but I suppose at some point it would make sense.

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Yeah... last time I checked, MySpace sound quality was still lower than Soundclick's rather limited 128kbps (free accounts; pay-for accounts can use higher rates and longer files). I always figured it at 96 kbps, but someone else suggested that MySpace down samples non-major-label content down to 22kHz and then recompresses. Perhaps it's changed. Anyhow, it still sounds sucky.


But, you know, I'd started my presence at MySpace in 2004 and the morons at the labels and the prevailing 'wisdom' of the music industry is that MySpace is the place -- that if you don't have a MySpace page the label dorks won't even be able to find you. (That said, at this point in my life, getting label dorks to find me is mighty low on my list. I suppose I wouldn't mind tell them to FO, though.)



No... what tore it for me at MySpace was when SnoCap, the venture that MySpace had fostered and heavily promoted that was supposed to let musicians sell their stuff from their MySpace page started going under. Before SnoCap filed for bankruptcy protection, MySpace, in wast appeared to be very much a sweetheart deal, went in, bought the remaining assets, leaving the liabilities -- big debts to musicians from unpaid royalties on sales via Snocap from MySpace pages. So, MySpace walked away like a bandit, while the musicians they conned into using Snocap got royally shafted out of the money owned them from MySpace based sales.


As a consequence, I removed all my media from my MySpace pages and left only a note and a link to a news article on the Snocap scam.


Read more about MySpace's sleazy (but probably legal) deal here: http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2009/12/myspace-imeem-deal/



BTW, there's a thread I started a while back on just this broader topic of micro-indie distribution/DL sites:


Special Topic: Year End Wrap Up of Music Upload/Download Sites


By the way -- I was intrigued by start-up site, www.7161.com, which we found out about in that thread immediately above. It's got some quirks, could use some streamlining of the upload process and an embeddable player option -- and really doesn't offer much extra to those who already have their own dedicated web space (where they can serve up their own files), but if you don't have a proper web site (maybe you're using a social net page), 7161 might be just the thing.



With regard to Facebook... as a web guy, I feel like I have to try all this stuff.* There's the more than faint air of adults acting like kids at FB, and all the goofy promotions and 'activities' I find infantile at best, but there's no question that it's penetrated the adult world in a way that MySpace never did. Since many of my 'old' friends (using that word for its varied shades of meaning) are actually on FB and seem to participate, I make sure that updates to my content on my blog, etc, are noted and linked in my feeds there.


*And, yes, I even have a Twitter page but I never look at anyone else's feeds -- er, tweets -- and my page gets updated by robots when I update my blog or other content -- not me. So, I have whatever minimal benefit that can be derived from Twitter, without the annoyance of having to see the benight cultural black hole. What cracks me up are all these media types (including supposed journalists) who seem to think that people are just poring over their self-absorbed, self-important tweets. What incredible losers.



PS... one of the best things about Soundclick is that each song has its own detail page -- you can have a write-up about the song and lyrics, and such -- and link directly to that page. (You can't 'deep link' to the media, unless you use the payfor accounts, but that's not a big deal to me. If I need to link directly to a song for some purpose, I'll just toss it on my website server and link to it there.)


Whereas, at places like ReverbNation or MySpace, you have to jump through hoops, telling people you want to hear a given song: "It's called Blah Blah Blah and it should be about the ninth one down in the player." How lame is that? Pretty lame.

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that's funny, i never get pop ups on Soundclick

the banners are annoying, but for some reason they don't seem as intrusive as MySpace


If you use Firefox, most of the pop-ups get blocked. But over the years, I've heard plenty of complaints.


I swear, I'm closing in on simply hosting everything myself, period. I mean, the only reason I didn't a decade ago was because -- in those days -- being on the old mp3.com was bringing new fans to me all the time. A lot of days, I had a couple hundred people listening or downloading. Now, my stuff is spread out all over hell and back and the listens just dribble in. Now, for sure, my lack of productivity (I used to get a new song up every few weeks) and change in musical direction (back then, most of what I did was electronica/trip hop/electro; now I'm mostly roots) probably has a lot to do with that, too.


But, you know, it's easy enough to put the files on the server, create stream and download links to them, maybe provide a pop-out player for folks who like that sort of thing -- all those are features I already have in place for my blog (although the actual media files are hosted at the Internet Archive, everything else, the pop-out and embedded players and ancillary images and info and search utilities, etc, are all on my servers).

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