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I wrote a song today that I think could be really something, but there a couple lines I think could be tightened up. I'm not going to share which ones I think need help because I don't want to skew your thoughts. I have a feeling you'll pick them out, though.


Alright, let me have it!



Who You Choose to Love

Verse 1

You're living in disgrace

Living with the face

Of someone who's denied

Someone who has tried

To walk a righteous path

But cupid only laughs

While arrows sling around

Yours is never found


What's it take

To make a break

From this Godforsaken place?


You can only run so far

You can only fly so high

You can only give so much

Even if you try

You can only run so far, so high

Verse 2

You're living in denial

Living with a smile

The somehow feels so forced

Reality divorced

From the sorrow in your eyes

That cannot be disguised

By any kind of mask

Is it time you ask



Middle 8

Is your best not enough?

Or is it who you choose to love?



I am still tinkering with it, so I doubt that will be the final product regardless of the advice you give. But your input is certainly appreciated!

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This is not really to my lyrical taste, so take with a grain of salt.


1) I really like the relationship between the verse and the chorus. The shift in tone is about perfect.


2) The take/break internal rhyme with "forsaken" makes that line really pop for me.


3) Unless I'm saying something completely groundbreaking and profound, I'd avoid any use of the stock fictional characters, including Cupid.

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This is not really to my lyrical taste, so take with a grain of salt.

1) I really like the relationship between the verse and the chorus. The shift in tone is about perfect.

2) The take/break internal rhyme with "forsaken" makes that line really pop for me.

3) Unless I'm saying something completely groundbreaking and profound, I'd avoid any use of the stock fictional characters, including Cupid.


Thanks. Cupid's mention is one of the things I am trying to change, so any ideas are welcome. :thu:

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Really sharp emotion here. I like it and can't wait to hear the music to go with it.


As a purist, the only thing I might change is making "smile" a two-syllable word, which would require changing the previous line to something like


* Like pictures stuffed in a file




* Like models decked out (or dressed up) in style


But something to fit the image that you yourself have in mind.


The only reason I might stay away from cupid is the image of the cute baby. :)


Good work.

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The take/break internal rhyme with "forsaken" makes that line really pop for me.



My first impression also....really liked that.


In fact, I'd like to see some less obvious rhyming in the verses.


For instance....


You're living in denial

Living with a smile

The somehow feels so forced

Reality divorced




Divorced from what is real.


Really need to hear it with music to see if something like that would work.


Good images.....

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You're living in denial

Living with a smile

The somehow feels so forced

Reality divorced

Is that supposed to be "That somehow feels so forced"??? The line as it is typed seems a bit odd..."the somehow" throws me.



Ooh, {censored}. Yes, that was just a typo!

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only because you asked, "
even if you try
" is the weakest line of the song.....the fact that it's in the chorus should be troubling to you...

really like the following lines...

*reality divorced

*but cupid only laughs

not sure the bridge needs to be there...




We have another winner! That is another that I was hoping for alternatives. I don't hate it as much as some others because of how it fits in melodically, though.


I do know that I don't want another "you can only..." line there.


As for the bridge, I tried to write it out, but it keeps popping back in. The melody is pining for it. I actually shortened the lyrical part of it and replaced it with a musical interlude in a way to reduce it somewhat.



In fact, I'd like to see some less obvious rhyming in the verses.



I am all for more sublty in rhyming, but the phrasing of this song works best with the more standard rhyme structure. I could probably rework the bridge, the phrasing is a bit different there.



The only thing i would mention is both the verses seem to be saying the same thing just with differnt words but at the same time i like the "face/smile" thing so i dont know lol



You got it! I was actually going for a "verses say the same thing" which was why I made it even more obvious by using very similar lines. "living in disgrace/denial", "face/smile", etc.

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I really like your stuff a lot so I'll assume you're making the overly rhymed quality work for you. On paper it's a little June/moon to me but I know you have a way with making your lyrics pop musically so I'll assume you're making that happen.


So setting that aside...


You can only run so far

You can only fly so high

You can only give so much

Even if you try

You can only run so far, so high


"Even if you try" really doesn't work for me. I'm thinking you could ditch the rhyme here all together and even do something as straight forward as:


You can only run so far

You can only fly so high

You can only give so much

You can only give...

You can only run so far, so high


Sort of reiterating the coming up short quality the stanza's trying to get across.

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I like the economy and soundness of structure, but it came close to reading like a cloying nursery rhyme for me. But it could work, depending on the music.


You should consider massaging some of the cliches. Ease off a tad: give so much... fly so high... sorrow in your eyes.... You can chuck some of those and do better.


I love cliches - I use them all the time. They can be great for transitions and an easy point of reference to hook your audience. But you have to be careful not to OVERUSE them. Try and use them sparingly.

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I really like your stuff a lot so I'll assume you're making the overly rhymed quality work for you. On paper it's a little June/moon to me but I know you have a way with making your lyrics pop musically so I'll assume you're making that happen.

So setting that aside...

You can only run so far

You can only fly so high

You can only give so much

Even if you try

You can only run so far, so high

"Even if you try" really doesn't work for me. I'm thinking you could ditch the rhyme here all together and even do something as straight forward as:

You can only run so far

You can only fly so high

You can only give so much

You can only give...

You can only run so far, so high

Sort of reiterating the coming up short quality the stanza's trying to get across.



I do something very similar to what you outline at the end during the vocal ad lib part. I don't think I sing the "even if you try" once there.


I really like the idea lyrically to just repeat the line, but I need something to break up the "you can only" bit. It seems to a consensus that that line needs changing so I'll work on it. Thankfully, I have plenty of time as I want to work it up with a buddy who is busy for a month or two.


Oh, and I agree this reads poorly. I almost deleted the thread after reading through it the first time, but I swear it rocks in the context of the song.

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