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Hey guys.

So I finished my first build ever last Tuesday. It was working/sounding great until friday when it fell to the floor of my car.... but now it's up and running again and I was able to get a preliminary clip done to make it worth sharing.


More pics here




Here's my first recording with it. When i first cranked it, it just screamed Thin Lizzy so I figured I'd start with that.

Later I'll get some SRV and AC/DC.

Hope you enjoy it.

P.S. that backing track was a bitch to make. Apparently they didn't record to a click track. I ended up setting it all around 145bpm.


P.P.S. Anyone who's looking to make a DIY project I really strongly recommend this or another AX84 they're incredibly easy and it's a REALLY gratifying experience.

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The black wire in
picture P1x-3
doesn't look like a secure, lasting contact. I recommend a ring terminal or something similar. Also, what do the two additional gray wires go to? Seeing exposed wiring like that makes me wary.

Congrats on your first build, though!


:p The gray wires to the left shouldn't be in the pic. It was just an extraneous piece of wire laying around but it's not there anymore.


Thanks for the feedback :)

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As promised here's another clip.

This time some AC/DC. Obviously I didn't make the backing track to this one like I did the Thin Lizzy.


I think the amp does a pretty good job covering the rhythm guitar but it really has trouble getting good smooth rock lead tone unboosted, still I thought I throw a solo in real quick just to show you how it does.



Edit: I forgot to mention, the rhythm guitars under the solos are from the backing track they're not mine. You can use them as a reference point though for comparing mine.


Also I will be doing some SRV later and who knows I may even throw a metal zone in front and see what happens... :p

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Hey so I have 2 more quick and dirty clips.

First is a quick attempt at "Pride and Joy" by Stevie Ray Vaughan. Neck Pickup on my MIM Fat-Strat, just single tracked this time. Gain just over 1/2 way.



Second is a really quick take of the intro to "Lenny" also by SRV to demonstrate a clean tone on the amp. And then I remembered that this amp does a pretty nice Andy Timmons so I started Electric Gypsy (gain on half again) and realized I can't remember how to play most so I figured I'll come back to that with a backing track and do it right (If i ever get around to it).


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Nice clips! Everything sounds slightly muffled. It could be the method of recording, paring down file size to keep it downloadable, or even just a little too much bass and trimmed mids/treble.


I only mean this to be constructive. I'm no expert by any means, but that's how I'm hearing the clips. Either way, your guitar skills are fine =)

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Nice clips! Everything sounds slightly muffled. It could be the method of recording, paring down file size to keep it downloadable, or even just a little too much bass and trimmed mids/treble.

I only mean this to be constructive. I'm no expert by any means, but that's how I'm hearing the clips. Either way, your guitar skills are fine =)


:D thanks a lot!

I noticed the bassiness but couldn't tell if it was actually there or just from my computer because the computer speakers i'm using have a subwoofer, now I know thanks.

I'm not too worried about it for now though because I pretty much left all the tone knobs at noon for all of these to give as stock/unaffected of a presentation as possible.

Btw thanks for the bit about the grounding wire I might have a spare ring terminal that I could use.

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So about a week after finishing this amp. I looked at the next higher gain model and decided it looked to easy to mod my amp to that model that I couldn't pass it up.

I got all the parts and seven hours later was done....except I accidentally forgot to order 2 parts. So finally about 2 weeks after starting I was able to get my hand on those last parts and finish it. That was just over a week ago.

I spent the last week making clips so without further ado I present my new AX84 Single Ended Lead.




Since this was my first amp and my family has Norse heritage I've decided to name it Odin and hopefully when I'm COMPLETELY done it will look something like this:


If I can't get my hands on mesa knobs like that I'll probably just go for white chicken head knobs.

More photos


I'm currently using an EL34 getting about 10 watts but if I want I can put in a KT88 or 6550 for about 20 watts.

The gain on this is GREAT and with a boost is :love:

I spent this week making tracks for 3 Bad Religion songs (one from each of their last 3 albums). I also made a Coheed Cover but am still struggling to get some passable vocal :p




When I get time I will also do some Ozzy and some VH

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Wow, that looks and sounds great! I liked the third clip the best. Can you post a parts/price list? I'd love to do something like this. I've built many pedals and would now like to move forward with starting to build amps. Thanks!



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Wow, that looks and sounds great! I liked the third clip the best. Can you post a parts/price list? I'd love to do something like this. I've built many pedals and would now like to move forward with starting to build amps. Thanks!






This is the kit for the model I made. They're pretty sweet deals compared to other kit prices.

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