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Had two shows this weekend, one was a botb..

Say Ocean

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we won the botb, which was the preliminaries for one more botb next saturday which is a competition for the opening spot at a big festival here. Too bad we're the only non-metal band on the bill and it's judged by Shadows Fall :o:facepalm::lol:


The other show was cool... maybe 20 people there, became friends with another band, it was in an old whare house with broken down {censored} in the back. Good times.


Here's a TERRIBLE TERRIBLE quality video (the guy was standing right next to the monitor, some parts are better than others) of the botb:




and here are some pics













My rig was pretty simple both nights. One song on the 27 fret hamer with an invader in the neck, the rest on the strat with a fralin in the bridge, those running into a maxon od808 into a carbon copy into the dsl100 into the avatar. Just bass drums and guitar, no vocals, and it sounded great live. Really easy to mix my tone with the bass tone and the drums aren't constantly blasting or anything.


The band before us that night had a gibson sexplorer going into a thunderverb, sounded godly :love: and the Fender FM head the other kid had was alright too kinda :o

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always glad to see gals playing in rock bands-- plus, she's also got a classy bass for a 5 string. meanwhiles-- say hey to the palins in wasilla.

you guys remind me a lot of helms from boston!

I'll have to check helms out! And she's a great bass player, only 15 too. Standing straight up, the bass comes up to her collar bone :lol: but her bass is :love:

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Sounds like you ran everything through a Metal Zone.

you caught meh.

Actually funny story, at the first show last weekend, the little warehouse gig, this kid was like bro can I use your marshall and I was like uh alright. He then set up his digitech fx pedal to go straight into the clean channel... worst I've ever heard that amp sound. He was playing deathcore :facepalm:

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Did anyone hear any discernible note?

I am all for being "good for you" but gat dayam that was quite the noise.

Yeah, it is a bit like merzbow. Check the myspace link in his sig for closer to what they actually sounded like. ;)

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Did anyone hear any discernible note?

I am all for being "good for you" but gat dayam that was quite the noise.

Did I not warn you about the quality? ;) like I said, the kid was RIGHT next to the monitor, pretty much pwnt the digital camera. The drums sound like electronic 8 bit fight sounds :lol: or maybe an epic starwars battle :confused:

Either way, like chris_d said, you can hear what we actually sound like in the sig.

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Did I not warn you about the quality?
like I said, the kid was RIGHT next to the monitor, pretty much pwnt the digital camera. The drums sound like electronic 8 bit fight sounds
or maybe an epic starwars battle

Either way, like chris_d said, you can hear what we actually sound like in the sig.

Some parts are better than others: Where are the better parts? I think because you know the song in your head, you can unscramble the music mentally.

But yeah you sound good on the myspace: But that vid is redundant.

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