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Whisper in the dead of night - lyric feedback please


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Hey all, I hope you are well. I'm in the midst of a lyric quandry and hope you can help. I wrote a new song that has a pretty simple storyline, but I'm not sure if the refrain works. Here are the lyrics




Yesterday... the strangest thing happened to me

I called your name... through the depths of the deepest sleep

I don't know... why I feel the way I do

From long ago... those timeworn woes are all brand new

I was naked in the pines

I was naked in the pines

Wide awake... a wave of dreams rolling by

Why'd it take... a whisper in the dead of night

In the morning glare... this inescapable truth

Unaware... living in the shadow of our youth

I am naked in the pines

I'm still naked in the pines

I will love... can't escape the past

I will love... but I can raise a glass

I will love... to those yesteryears

I will love... and move on from here



I like most of it, but I'm not sure about the "naked in the pines" thing. I was going for something that would demonstrate vulnerability, insecurity - to show it rather than say it. I think it does, but I'm not sure whether it fits or is strong enough to be a refrain. Can you please let me know what you think?



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Well, that's precisely what it communicated to me... throw in some bewilderment, too, since the context has me just imagining the protagonist 'waking up' naked in the forest in his dream. So, yeah, that works.


Now, is it too much of a distraction? I dunno. For me it almost stands on its own, despite the fact that it's actually tightly integrated with the 'plotline' of the song. And I think it seems like it kind of does so successfully -- it does seem to be like the emotional metaphor at the core of the song: suddenly he wakes up, naked, alone, and vulnerable in an unfamiliar yet primal/archetypal situation/location.


So... yeah. I think it works. For me.



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Naked in the Pines is by far the most interesting lyric in the whole thing. You'd be crazy to change it.


I'd reconsider some of the I Will Love refrains. The stab at closure is either phoney or confused. I mean, is this dude moving on or still naked in the pines. Make up your mind already.


The songs about being hung up on {censored}; I'd resist the Resist the temptation to muck it all up by trying to say any more than that. Keep. It. Simple.

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"Naked in the pines" also gives the feeling of being stuck by the needles. So there's also a pain factor. It really worked for me. And to me made the "I will love" mean more since he'll love in spite of having been hurt.



Thanks a lot for this post, that was precisely what I was going for.


Thanks for the feedback, everyone. :thu:

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A couple changes in a rewrite.



Yesterday... the strangest thing happened to me

I called your name... through the depths of the deepest sleep

I don't know... why I feel the way I do

From long ago... those timeworn woes are
born anew

I was naked in the pines

I was naked in the pines

Wide awake... a wave of dreams rolling by

Why'd it take... a whisper in the dead of night

In the morning glare... this inescapable truth

Unaware... living in the shadow of our youth

I am naked in the pines

I'm still naked in the pines

I will love...
time will tell

I will love...
If I can melt

I will love...
this frozen stance

I will love...
can't claim ignorance no more



I like the first change because I think it explains the emergence of old emotion more clearly. It also has a nice internal rhyme (worn/born)


The changes at the end do a better job of keeping the protaganist in his "stuck" place. He sees the light, but knows there is still work to do. It counters the more positive "I will love" to create an ambivalence that usually exists when people must make changes. The earlier addition to too happy at the end. Thanks to Matx for giving me the poke I needed to alter that.


Any comments?

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I see what you mean. It reads lousy. But there is a significant melodic shift that precipitates the lyric change. I agree that some of the latter parts of those lines are a bit cheesy (still trying to find something better for lines 3/4) but only "I will love" is up front as the the other parts are sung by the backing vocals. I'm about 98.7% sure it works.


Oh, in that case, I wouldn't change a thing then. Songs aren't meant to work on the page. They're supposed to work as songs. So absolutely - do whatever suits the melody best. Always. Even if it's cheesy.

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I love these lyrics.

I am big on writing from that place......one of deep feelings that come in the night.

Get some music going as soon as you can and see what happens with those excellent images.



Thanks Len, the music is already written I just need to record it. I rarely write lyrics without accompanying music, FWIW. I can't seem to do so without a melody tugging at the strings.

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Well I'm going to be the man out here. I don't like "naked in the pines". I have nothing to suggest in it's place so I'm not much help am I ??. The rest of the lyrics are very very good.


Oh, Ido, it's just because you have so many pine trees up in Canada that it seems too cliche. Out here in Southern California, we just don't have so many. What are we going to say, "Naked in the palms?" I don't think so.


But I truly think it all works. :)

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