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OT: Getting a vision check-up FTW!


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I got them at 22, and my ass was blind.


The chick who sold them to mee had huge titties, and she rubbed them up on me when she was adjusting them. I was like "Hmm still doesnt feel quite right" for like 2 hours....

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When I first put in contacts... walking down the street to the bus blew my mind. See how sharp the trees and snow and everything was made me go
For me, it's like the difference of going from a crappy old worn out tv to a nice HD tv. Not necessary for life.. but damn it makes things better.

That's exactly how I'd describe it. Watching TV was the best for me-- colors were more vibrant, so well defined, etc. I got glasses well before HD was broadcast, but when we knew it was coming and I was like... wow, this must be exactly what HD will be like.

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You just don't realize it until you get the glasses and have something to compare it to. My vision didn't seem blurry at the time, only while they were doing the test and flipping the lenses down and telling me to say which one was better did I realize just how blurry everything had been. In my case, it's the reasons I was getting headaches, my eyes were trying to compensate for the bad vision by refocusing so much it was straining everything. My vision isn't terrible, I can take my glasses off and still read... I don't need them to drive, etc. But it's a world of difference when you look at a computer screen all day.


I think most people just have a hard time accepting they need glasses so they put it off and tell themselves they don't need 'em. I've had glasses since I was like 10 so I've already given up. I'm blind as a bat without them, can't read anything unless it's right up to my nose or the letters are as big as a house.


I do highly recommend contacts though. Should've got them years ago. You might get a bit dry eyes if you wear them several days in a row but other than that they are pretty much unnoticeable. I wear them always when I'm out or at work but at home during the weekends I take 'em off and use glasses. I look a helluva lot better without glasses. :facepalm:

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It changes everything when you get them don't it? I switched from glasses to contacts. They said they can't get contacts as accurate for me as glasses but it's still pretty good.

I went about 5 months without wearing them and I couldn't see {censored}. When I went back to them it was like I had brand new eyes. Only bad part is the headache until you get used to it.

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^I have astigmatism so contacts don't ALWAYS agree with me, but the dry eyes thing is what gets me the most. Especially if I'm in front of the TV. I HAVE to take them out and put on glasses if I'm playing xbox.



I got astigmatism. I got acuvue hydraclear for astigmatism. I've tried lots of brands and this is the only brand that I honestly can't feel that i have contacts in. I can even fall asleep in them, wake up and they still aren't dry. It's like not having any in and seeing well.


The other brands got really dry and uncomfortable.

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I got them when I was 5, but that is because I couldn't even read anything off the boards in school.

It sucks because I am seriously borderline blind. My field of clear vision ends about 5 inches from my face.

No kidding, I wouldn't last a day without them.

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