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A new Snoggin song


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I have been writing a lot lately as my band blew up lol.. figure i will hang out around here a bit and see what you guys are up to.... here is one of mine .. these are just recorded in the kitchen with an acoustic guitar and an edirol Ro9.


These are mainly reference tracks until I have time and a band to work them up with.. the lyrics are still evolving.. I work on the melody and riffs first and then lyrics to fit



This one is either called .. i wanna live or the i gotta song.. let me know if you prefer either one..



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yeah , its totally rough lol.. its just my first take on it after I came up with the idea.. more a place holder than something finished..


I just liked the way it moves.. I have been listening to it and now about ready to refine it a bunch and make another version .. added another verse and fixed a couple of things that dont work too well in the other verses.


I'll put the newer one up and see if you thinki its an improvement when I get er done.

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