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Peavey 6505 combo


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Great amp. Clean actually isnt bad. Get some silver dragon tubes for it. Change the speakers to g12k-100's. You will be good to go. If you plan on running the gain above 4 or 5, get an ns-2. You probably shouldnt be paying more than 500 for one used.


clips here




and my soundclick page has a bunch as well...

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Great amp. Clean actually isnt bad. Get some silver dragon tubes for it. Change the speakers to g12k-100's. You will be good to go. If you plan on running the gain above 4 or 5, get an ns-2. You probably shouldnt be paying more than 500 for one used.

clips here

and my soundclick page has a bunch as well...



Thanks man.


Silver dragon tubes? More info?



Feedbacks on those?


I'm in Canada. It's hard to find used stuff where I am located (near Ottawa).

But I'll check it out.

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Been meaning to check one of them out. How is the gain at low volumes? Does it need to be cranked to get the best sound?



Volume at about 3 and up gets the best sound out of it. above 1 it sounds pretty good. below 1, you need to crank the presence...

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