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A song about Hurricane Irene


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I couldn't make all that much of the lyric but I got some laughs out of what I did hear. (Although, of course, not without the scattered personal tragedies resulting from the storm in the back of my mind.) I once wrote an album of 'girl name songs' inspired by the names (if not actually the girls themselves, necessarily) of the baristas in my favorite coffee house -- but I had never considered an album of girl name songs inspired by Hurricanes (or complicated by the fact that every other one is now named after a dude). Food for songwriting there, as you've proven.


Anyhow, I think writing a song, in this case, may well have been the best revenge for your spoiled plans. I was charmed by the notion. :thu:

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I like blue's take on this. Anything that feeds a creative urge is fair game. I think you're off base, urca. Not to make light of a tragedy. And I can see where someone close to that incident would be repulsed. That's natural and fine.


But a song is just a song. A theme is just a clever departure point for what follows; a vehicle to explore the human condition. Just about anything can work in the right hands. And anything can be turned into a bludgeon. It's all in where you go with it.

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