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Dreams, and how they affect your songwriting :o


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I have a friend of mine who just writes decent songs left and right, I say he does that but there's a good chance he doesn't show me the bad ones, either way I asked him how he accomplishes it one day, His response was something along the lines of;


"My dreams play a big part, especially during those boring class periods during the day, why isn't that how you write your lyrics and melodies?"


Which I really couldn't reply too, because I don't remember 80% of my dreams, and I never actually understood what he meant until like, literally 5 minutes ago, Where I had a nightmare that made me want to hate whoever was involved, but instead I'm going to use it as fuel for a lyric sheet.


So tell me, have you ever been influenced to a enormous degree by your dreams?

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I don't think I've written a lot of songs that were directly inspired by dreams... but the emotional undercurrents from them seem to run beneath the surface of the day. For me, the songwriting process is like an iceberg... only a small percentage shows above the surface.

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I was ready to reply to this with a confident NO... dreams don't really play a part in my songwriting. Then I remembered that I actually wrote the following: "Do you feel him? Does he come to you in your dreams? Like he does mine?"


So, I guess... sort of... I don't know.

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