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A beige work in progress.


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I install carpet for a living and a good 80% or more is beige. Yesterday while working on yet another, I decided to write a little ode to beige. I had a long seam to burn, and I use a loud shop vac thing to suck out the heat. I do a lot of good writing while running it as the noise blocks out any distractions. Well by the time I was done making the seam, 20ish minutes later, my little ode to beige had turned in to something else completely.


I'm still not sure what to think about it exactly. I don't typically write happy uplifting sorts of songs, and while this isn't anywhere near happy or uplifting as of yet, at least I didn't put her on a bridge wondering if she should jump like I did in the last one... Still it is still a bit out of my comfort zone.



Little Beige Life

She hates her little beige house

but too much color could hurt the resale.

She wears a little beige blouse

you don't want to stand out when you work retail.

She drives a little white car

but even it looks beige in the right light.

If you never aspire

You can never fall from any great height.

But it's alright, yeah it's alright

Some days its enough just knowing your alive.

In good time, yeah all in good time

You'll set fire to your little beige life.



I have some ideas for the second verse where she sits down for a nice beige breakfast, but its not quite there yet. The breakfast is actual names of carpet colors. Oatmeal, wheat toast, coffee and cream. There are infinite shades of beige with names like that.


I have 2 ideas for a 3rd verse. In one she comes home from the paint store determined to add a little color to her life and the color she picks is of course gray, but at least shes trying sort of thing.


In the other she just continues her little beige existence, and it ends with "but what did you expect from a little beige song?"


The second is a little more up my ally tone wise, but at the same time maybe a little too campy.


So, too corny? Too crappy. Too beige?

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I like the idea of infinite shades of beige -- or maybe even better, since folks like concrete numbers -- a thousand shades of beige. (I think the flow is a little better with the last.)


Certainly, you've got an approach angle on a classic theme, what one of my old pals, back in high school, scornfully called striving for normalcy. (We're still good pals. He's a retired corporate lawyer now -- so I think his perspective has mellowed a little on that. I think he now has a pretty good idea of why folks do strive for normalcy. Hell, I even do. It's hard out here on the boho edge. ;) )

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I think the idea is fine - to sing a song about beige, but this song has put beige centre-stage and I think it should have less emphasis.

I use the word myself to describe a state of mind - 'I'm feeling kinda beige today' or to describe an event or a design as 'a bit beige'.


The song isn't working for me in its present state. Perhaps it needs to back off a bit from the beige, beige, beige vibe.

It verges almost on being critical of the girl and her beige life.


Alternatively you could make it a 1st person song like 'I wouldn't mind feeling blue instead of shades of beige' or something.....


Kick these thoughts around a bit, and see if they make a sound.

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When I looked at the lyrics, which i did before I actually read the details of your post, what jumped out at me was that these lyrics would work so well in a bouncy little silly ditty, a fun song rather than a more dramatic song.


There was a song from the 60's called "Don't let the rain come down (crooked little man)". The song starts with its chorus, but listen to the approach when it gets into its first verse.. "there was a crooked little many and he had a crooked smile... then substitute the first verse of your song.


Not suggesting to copy, I'm just trying to illustrate how a "fun" approach might sound.





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I like what you have so far. Funny, I'm working on a song with a very similar theme (not beige, but the soul-sucking nature of everyday life). I'll be interested to see how the second and third verses turn out. Your ideas indicate that she isn't going to do anything to upset the apple cart, but the last line of the chorus suggests otherwise. Maybe it's an empty threat?

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I like it

maybe you should see the positives in beige for the chorus and keep it fun

something along these lines?

But it's alright, yeah it's alright

Some day it might become all the rage.

In good time, yeah all in good time

Even the president might see life in beige.




I'm looking down at my oatmeal colored carpet now .... wondering if there is a song in that somewhere. :o

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