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21st March - Northern Hemisphere Songs of Renewal


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The forum is decidedly quiet.

There was a great flurry of songwriting in February - in fact you of the north were positively prolific.


So where did it all go?

I know - it's the 1st day of Spring, and everyone is filled with the joys of renewal.

I look forward to hearing them........:)


It's starting to cool down somewhat on this side of the planet. I was kicking through autumn leaves on my morning walk, and I turned my collar up against a chill wind from the hills.


Yes - I'm looking forward to hearing those warm musical missives of renewal.

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The forum is decidedly quiet.

There was a great flurry of songwriting in February - in fact you of the north were positively prolific.

So where did it all go?

I know - it's the 1st day of Spring, and everyone is filled with the joys of renewal.

I look forward to hearing them........

It's starting to cool down somewhat on this side of the planet. I was kicking through autumn leaves on my morning walk, and I turned my collar up against a chill wind from the hills.

Yes - I'm looking forward to hearing those warm musical missives of renewal.


Although I've never been very prolific to begin with, I've been especially jammed up of late, struggling with the last song I posted here some weeks ago. Now I'm just pissed, and determined not to let go if it until I beat it into submission. Yeah, that's a great frame of mind for inspiration. I'll post a fuller version of it here sooner or later, probably just in time for autumn on the top side. ;)

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I'm still motoring along. I actually have refrained from posting other stuff simply because I have too many threads in the top half of the page.


Ah yes Justin - you are the one exception - I count 5 threads of yours on the Thread Page.

Your current prolificity (no such word) is not yet displaying any boundaries.

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I'm stalled... vocals on Too Much have proven to be... well... too much. Sort of demotivates me...



I hate it when that happens. Last September I starting working on recording three different songs, all of them sounding so {censored}ty that I immediately moved on to the next. Took me 4 months to get going again.

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I hate it when that happens. Last September I starting working on recording three different songs, all of them sounding so {censored}ty that I immediately moved on to the next. Took me 4 months to get going again.



I have phases where i can't sing anything properly.... it crosses my mind that I should give up...what the hell am i doing , i cant even sing!!


Usually passes though and all is fine

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I hate it when that happens. Last September I starting working on recording three different songs, all of them sounding so {censored}ty that I immediately moved on to the next. Took me 4 months to get going again.



I am in a permanent state of moving on to the next song, because I live in hope that when I get back to it after a few months, my musical abilities might have taken a step forward.

It sort of works that way when you're a slow learner of the arcane craft of songwriting.

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I reckon you should start posting some of your songs no matter how rough the demo - im sure you will be better than you think you are...and i for one would love to hear a few.



Me too.



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This thread is as good a place as any to ask this question....


How far along do songs need to be for this site to be useful? I have several ATM that I've got pretty much the entire thing worked, except I don't have the foggiest idea what to do with the lyrics. Would that be something that could be posted here, asking for snippets that come to mind or a picture that forms in your head? Beyond functionality, what about legality? Tweaking someone else's lyrics seems like a generous thing to do, but if you write most of them, does that mean shared credit?


Or should I just stick with ideas that are more lyrically formed?

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This thread is as good a place as any to ask this question....

How far along do songs need to be for this site to be useful? I have several ATM that I've got pretty much the entire thing worked, except I don't have the foggiest idea what to do with the lyrics. Would that be something that could be posted here, asking for snippets that come to mind or a picture that forms in your head? Beyond functionality, what about legality? Tweaking someone else's lyrics seems like a generous thing to do, but if you
most of them, does that mean shared credit?

Or should I just stick with ideas that are more lyrically formed?



You raise a good point sir - I don't think there needs to be concern about credits, because whatever is posted and used is 'gifted' from one to another.


But if you post some music, I'm happy to interpret the feel of the music into some suggestions for songs.

We don't have to write lyrics for you - just nudge the song forward with how the music speaks to us.

This may be sufficient for you to pick it up, and take it somewhere else.

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Hi, just joined this forum yesterday. I'm an old git too! Most recent stuff I've produced is my album release in December 2011 'Renaissance'. It's self-penned electro-acoustic instrumentals - had a couple of favourable reviews and a bit of 'BBC Introducing' Radio airplay, so I'm happy! :) Here's a link to 'Samphire' the 12th track on the album...


There's also a couple of full tracks previews and shorter previews on my website.

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This thread is as good a place as any to ask this question....

How far along do songs need to be for this site to be useful? I have several ATM that I've got pretty much the entire thing worked, except I don't have the foggiest idea what to do with the lyrics. Would that be something that could be posted here, asking for snippets that come to mind or a picture that forms in your head? Beyond functionality, what about legality? Tweaking someone else's lyrics seems like a generous thing to do, but if you
most of them, does that mean shared credit?

Or should I just stick with ideas that are more lyrically formed?



First off, with regard to credit and the forum guidelines, this is from Blue's guidlein thread:


Suggestions become property of the songwriter where applicable


Suggestions or contributions made to a song or composition in this forum should be considered a gift to the songwriter/composer and automatically become his or her intellectual property. Any other arrangements must be made privately between individuals


That makes it easy for everyone.


And about posting music with no lyric ideas? That seems like a good idea. "Help me brainstorm a lyric concept based on this music". Sounds fun.

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