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Which 1x12 cab?


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Okay, I think I know what I want (yes I do, no I don't) but while I am saving the bucks up and the GAS is mounting I want everything I see and I usually end up getting whatever good deal pops up first used and in good condition that is in my list of eligible candidates. Since it'll be a couple of weeks until I have say $270 (I'm a budgeting mofo) I am still agonizing over my next cab that will be either a closed back, open back, or 3/4 closed back cab.


It'll primarily be for classic rock gigs where I never turn up much past 1 or 2 on my amp volume these days (so sad I know) and it gets mic'd. I primarily gig a Crate V30 head with a Peavey 1x12 cab with Mesa Black Shadow MC90 in it. It'll replace this cab but I would like to use it for the Mark IV whenever I need it for that too.


(I have a Recto 2x12 cab and a Mark IV that stays mostly at home right now but it comes out for the rarer bigger gigs when I need that.)


Lastly, a Scumback H75 is enroute to me that will be going into this cab, oh my, I can't wait. So whatever speaker is in my new cab will be something fun to use somewhere even when it's replaced by the Scumback.



EDIT-- I forgot a poll option. #6 would be to save for a little longer for a used Port City OS 1x12 cab. It might be too nice to take out to gig maybe????

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well.. i dig the mesa thiele-- but you didn't really mention what amp/wattage you're using- cause 1-2 on the dial on a 100 watt amp can be markedly different than on a 15 watter...


regardless... depending on the amount of top end you need (and/or bottom)-- and on how much stage dispersion you need.. i'd base your decision on that.


thieles are beamy as hell-- so unless you're in a monitored area-- you MAY not hear yourself that well. open backs are fantastic for close stages- not so much for chug. thieles are killer for chug.. but tough to get top end out of (particularly at low volumes in my experience) and really suck unless you stand 10 feet away from them in the sweet spot.


my favorites have been 3/4 backs for single cab usage if you have limited space/carrying capacity. good low end, good dispersion- and i LIKE the c90's in that sitch. good bottom, nice top end.. not very squishy vintagey.. but i like that personally.


hard to say not knowing how you play, or what you want to hear for tone. i love 112s for their clarity-- but finding ONE speaker to fit your tastes is a little tricky, for sure. tell more about what you want-- and mebbe you'll get better ideas as to what speaker/cab MIX will get you what you want... because in my experience-- that's even MORE critical than just the TYPE of cabinet. there's some generalities--- but depending on what you need-- mebbe you can make a better compromise depending on what you want.

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Thanks guys. I've been busy at work so didn't get a chance to reply but I've been reading the stuff here.


The band I am currently in, and will be out of shortly, has been a small stage band doing classic rock...mostly 70's/80's classic stuff. I play an Edwards LP with a Suhr Aldrich bridge bucker and a SD 59 in the neck into the Crate V30 head on volume 1 or 2 into a Peavey 1x12 open backed 112SX with a Mesa MC90 speaker in it. We have really low stage volume and mic everything now but I may not mic in the next band or at least run the amp on 3 or 4 sometimes. I want sound dispersion and a tight bottom end and a sweet top end. The Scumback H75 that's being shipped is a 65 watt equivalent of a G12H30 has a supposed great bottom end even in an open backed cab. I'm probably leaning toward getting an open backed or semi open backed cab.


The Theile sounds like it may be too beamy for my situation but it sounds like it is awesome when cranked for tightness and bigness. I think that's why I think I have been interested in it.

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I should be getting my new Coyote Cabs Alpha Pup 1x12 this afternoon from UPS. Looks like a sweet cab, slant front, wide enough for my amp head, birch ply, and convertable back. I'll try to remember to post up pics when I get it in. In the meantime, here is a youtube link,




cool...what's the web site? The link doesn't work at the youtube link.

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Nice. Not too beamy? I have a Mesa Recto 2x12 cab and it's too much sound at the ankles but I dig it with the Mark IV.



Not overly beamy. I believe the front port does a lot for the tone. I tried a lot of cabinets with my old MKIVs, and the EV-12L Thiele was head and shoulders above the rest. Plus you can put together a nifty midget fullstack.

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