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FINALLY... dusted off the old turntable


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i recently inherited a massive collection of vinyl (and acetate) so i had to get the SL-1200 out of mothballs. hooked it up, fired up the sansui AU-717 and a pair of jim rogers specials... left channel of the amp was cutting out a bunch at first, but it seems to have burned through whatever cobwebs were in there and it's sounding fan-effing-tastic now.


a lot of great old audio gear is coming with the records. best part is i'll be bringing home an old tube stereo power amp soon so i can recap it and get running again. it's currently loaded with a quad of mullard EL37s, some telefunken 12ax7s and amperex EF86s... score if they still work! the should... they've been sitting unused for a couple decades.


the power amp is just a big metal block with nothing but a power switch, screw terminals and bias/balance fittings - kinda looks like a huge univalve with no knobs and a lot more under the hood - but there's also a separate tube hi-fi preamp, not sure what's in there yet, but it's pretty cool. not that i don't love the sansui, but i think i'd rather use that for monitoring than for playback since it's so surgically clean and uncolored. can't wait to fire up a dozen or so tubes and throw on the johnny cash folsom prison blues record i just unsealed the cellophane wrapper on...





csb i suppose.

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