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Engl Powerball


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Dude I've tried powerballs numerous times. I've come to the conclusion its just not my thing. The other guitarist in my band uses a 6505, and he cuts like {censored}... If I ran the powerball live it would honestly just become backgound music, and thats not bull{censored}. Maybe if he scooped his mids to {censored} the powerball would fit, but the voicing just never worked for me in my situation.

so yeah talk all the {censored} you want man, do what you gotta do, but I know what I like and you def don't

I wasn't dissin your tastes dawg. That {censored}s all crazy subjective. But being able to "cut through the mix" isn't a subjective thing. Dissin an amp cause you can't mix your band properly isn't how you go about suggesting amps for peeps. I've recorded with almost every ENGL and many more amps, live and in the studio and I've NEVER had any issues getting the Powerball to stand out. Plus, now because you've mentioned this again, I'm going to get more bedroom kids coming into my store avoiding the powerball cause they heard on a forum you can't cut through the mix with it. dammit yo

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I used to be the biggest Engl fan, I've owned them all but the Special Edition....The Straight is the best amp they made (discontinued unfortunately), the Blackmore and Savage are still pretty good if you like that rather modern, bit sterile sound (although those two amps are the least modern sounding amps from Engl I think)....

the powerball is definitely the worst amp I've played and/or had to record, I'm not kidding when I say that I'd rather record a Marshall MG than a Powerball.

The cleans are decent though.

In a live situation the powerfail is much better than in the studio though (well, stepping on a dried out pickle sounds better than the power{censored} under a mic, so that's nothing special).

is it really that bad? well, let's put it this way...the official PB clips on one of the Engl pages aren't even PB...one is a PB blended with a Marshall (much louder) and the other one is Recto and no PB at all...that's how much it sucks recorded.


This is only my opinion of course and noone has to agree, but I owned 3 Powerballs (1 v1, 2 v2) and also own LOTS of other amps (have to, it's my job) and the Powermud is a fizzy piece of {censored}.






DISCLAIMER: this is my personal opinion you might or might not agree, I think of myself as being experienced enough to form a solid opinion, but that does not mean you have to agree.

I know that I didn't beat around the bush but just said straight out what I think about the PB....if you're a PB owner and disagree...fine.

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I wasn't dissin your tastes dawg. That {censored}s all crazy subjective. But being able to "cut through the mix" isn't a subjective thing. Dissin an amp cause you can't mix your band properly isn't how you go about suggesting amps for peeps. I've recorded with almost every ENGL and many more amps, live and in the studio and I've NEVER had any issues getting the Powerball to stand out. Plus, now because you've mentioned this again, I'm going to get more bedroom kids coming into my store avoiding the powerball cause they heard on a forum you can't cut through the mix with it. dammit yo


I dont know how my reasoning doesn't satisfy you man :lol:. I'm not a n00b and I've used plenty of amps to know what works and what doesn't. I'm not just posting to piss in your cherrios or get you mad I just know that there are plenty of other amps that will work much better than a powerball in a live mix for the music I play.


Now lets be honest the powerball was marketed at a consumer similar to myself ( downtuner that plays aggressive music) and yet I really didn't have very good results when I used one :idk: I'm not trying to kill "your store" but I feel better sayin this, considering theres probably some uninformed kid with similar intrests and gear to me who might question or look for more info before purchasing an amp that costs 2grand that he might not like. If my post might help him than my job is done, you should know that everyone on this board is a consumer and I'm helping to show my experiences with the amp for them. If thats a problem for you maybe you should just read musicians friend magazines where every piece of gear listed has a bias description by its manufacturer. :idk:


I've been in the situation hundreds of times where I did my research on a piece of gear that appealed to me, just to find info that made me reconsider because I felt that it just wouldn't work in my case. Othertimes I ignored it and tried that piece out only to find that, the reviewers opinion was the same as mine. I'm sure someone that likes to scoop his mids and play heavy music might enjoy the PB but for me it didn't fit and it didn't work in band context. I like engl products alot and I really really really dug the savage and SE, but the powerball was just a miss for me.


I mean seriously if there weren't so many complaints with the PB1 then why would they revise the amp and update its voicing? Do you get what I'm saying? Obviously I'm not the only one that found it obsolete to other amps and thats why they tweaked it. Hopefully I'll get my hands on a powerball II and put it through its paces since it seems to be more to my liking, it too seems to be a great djenty amp... But i hope my 2cents is helpful to someone weighing in on a PB1, since its just an opinion and its their choice to listen to it. But I know I'm not the only one on here that wasn't blown away by the powerball, so yeah take that however you'd like.


Again this is just my opinion and I don't mean any offense to you, your gear or your business :).... but yeah its 4 am and I've had a long ass night so I'm going to pass out. Hopefully this post isn't a big run on sentence, but just keep in mind I'm shot. :lol:

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