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A quick feeler


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I was wondering what the interest would be on an idea I had. Ubuntu's had it for years, and it seems popular enough.


I am interested in making up a custom version of Windows XP, pretailored to audio out of the box. It would include all the popular tweaks to optimize it for audio. In addition, it would include freeware like Reaper, for instance, some top rated freeware VSTs, amp sims, some of ultimate-metal's cab impulses, software instruments, ASIO4ALL, maybe some custom skinning, a larger driverbase and whatever other utilities the community deems important or valuable.


I know this is beginning to sound like XP Black Edition, but that's not the intention. No trojans, no warez. You'll need your existing home or pro serial. All that will be used is Microsoft's slipstreaming, which is aimed at letting corporations custom tailor their images for mass distribution.


I'll be able to host it, I just want to make sure this would be something the community would see value in when setting up new machines (and want to contribute to).



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