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True Blood is pretty awesome...


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LaFayette, Eric, and Jason are easily the best characters. Terry and Sam are ok too. Everyone else can suck a dick. And yes, Jason's girlfriend's boobs were amazing, but I still think the best HBO boobs were Nick Sobotka's girlfriend's in season 2 of The Wire.


Anna Paquin has an amazing body.

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Lafayette is awesome. Loved him from his first scene in the series.

Lafayette made that show watchable in the first two seasons. He hasn't managed to save it for me the third time around.

On that show, there seems to be a positive correlation between how often characters are on screen and their ability to irritate me.

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I really enjoy the show. I'm looking forward to tonight's episode. HBO always leaves that show with a hook at the end. It was better in the first season when I didn't watch any of it until it was out on DVD and I just watched them back-to-back without all the suspense of waiting a week.


I think Anna is a better actor than the girl that plays Tara. Maybe it's just that worried/scared facial expression she does at least twice an episode where her eyes bulge out, her eyebrows contort and she scrunches her forehead in comedic fashion.


I will admit that I have a man-crush on Eric, but his homosexual play on the king has lessened it. Even if it is to destroy him.


I don't watch much tv. Just True Blood, Top Gear and Metalocalypse. I will check out The Wire though.

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I can't really get into it, the accents piss me off too much

I agree. Nothing else about the show bugs me as much as the accents(well except the homoerotica). They are way over done. Sam Merlotte has the most believable southern accent (maybe because the actor actually is southern). Andy Bellefleur is the worst.

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The accents on the show aren't half as irritating as in the audiobooks. I torrented them in last week and have been listening to them at work (starting book 6 tonight). I already know I like the show much better than the source material, which they take a lot of liberty with.

Anyone else think Lafayette is on the way to becoming a vampire? It seems like they've been setting it up, what with him getting pushed around and messed with so much ever since he first suggested it to Eric.

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I agree. Nothing else about the show bugs me as much as the accents(well except the homoerotica). They are way over done. Sam Merlotte has the most believable southern accent (maybe because the actor actually is southern). Andy Bellefleur is the worst.



Why does the homoerotica (if you can even call it that; two guys kissing is hardly homoerotic) make you uncomfortable?

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