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Yamaha TC-50c Questions


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I just picked up one of these in a pawn shop; I have a couple of questions that I hope some of you can shed light on. Just to set the scene...I am not an engineer, so...English would be great.


1. I did a search for a manual with no luck...any ideas?

2. There are 7 AX7 tubes...one is missing. The amp works (so far), but can I damage it by using it before I get another tube? Could this just be the reverb tube?

3. It is pretty old and I don't know the history, so...should I just replace all of the tubes or just play away and deal with it when something goes bad?

4. Anything else I can check on my own...without doing The Green Mile?


I really appreciate the help as I am really inexperienced when it comes to amp tech stuff.

Happy New Year All!

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Okay...here's where I show how stoopid I am...should I just buy one tube or all five (in the row) or all seven? Extra stoopid question...there are sooo many 12ax7's...how do you decide which ones? Feel free to just point me to website that explains this stuff. Can you tell I just play the guitar and have always had someone else take care of the amp? Spoiled, but I sure am trying to learn.

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I've got a t100 and the schematics are out there. I'm too lazy to look it up now. It shouldn't hurt anything to play it without a preamp tube missing. It probably is the reverb driver and return tube, as if it was just about any other preamp tube it wouldn't produce sound. However never play an amp with a bad/missing power tube. And just fwiw but it's known that the reverb is pretty anemic in these amps. Probably why the tube is missing. So you can't accidentally turn it on. Also Soldano will mod these also. I plan on sending mine in for service and a check over soon. After I get it back I'm gonna finally decide if I truly wanna keep it. It's just been collecting dust for a while now.

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My reverb is shot on my T-50 head. If I turn it up above 0, it fluffs out the whole amp.


Also, I asked Soldano about common mods. I got this in response from their tech email address:



the main mod we recommend is to install a choke instead of the power resistor Yamaha substituted. This helps the amp sound punchier. It is more noticeable in the 100 watt amp. The filter capacitors may need replacing from age. yamaha used the same filters on the 50 watt and 100 watt amps and they are inadequate for the 100 watt but OK for the 50 watt. The work to install the choke is not difficult. A competent tech can do it. We sell the choke for $50 or install it for another $50. You can use any choke from a 50watt or 100 watt amp.

Bill Sundt



There is more info on other mods around the internet.

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If your hurting for cash only replace the one. But if you can afford it retubed the amp it will bring a smile to your face.



I believe that's pretty good advice. Preamp tubes CAN last a long time....but if you don't know HOW long....it may be worth the cash. Poweramp tubes last less.....and new retube can make a whole new amp.


Pull out the tubes and tell us what she's loaded with.

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