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Taming a Yamaha T-50c...part II...speakers.


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If you've seen my previous post you know the background. Trying to bring this classic "high gain" amp closer to a "Vintage" sound. Round one was tube choice and I got some great ideas. Now I am looking at speakers.

Celestion's G12 65, the Eminence Red, White, & Blue, and Tone Tubby (trying to get clarification on which TT) have be suggested thus far. Tonal influences are Scott Henderson and Robben Ford and there will be all kinds of guitars plugging into this amp.

Let me know what you think if you feel like sharing.

Thanks again all!

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Thanks for the input. I think that I can get what I am looking for between the speaker swap, the tubes, and the adjustment knobs. The responses I am getting from the amp experts are encouraging (Doug's Tubes, Eurotubes). There is so much tweaking that can be done...you either have to have the time and resources to try all of the combos or...find people who know what's up. That's my approach cuz I can't drop a ton of $ trying tubes and speakers.

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I think it's tremendous. When I saw it sitting there in the pawn shop I was amazed. I played one in the 90's and was always impressed by the tones, but felt like warming it up would make it perfect. I am in the process of doing that now. The only clips I could find were pretty lousy or just to "metal" for me. I'd love to hear some bluesy or clean clips, but... I'm not sure how anyone can really judge an amp from a clip where the gain is on 11 and the guitar is out of tune.

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You can find one for that much if you're patient. I've seen them up to 1K. There's one on the Bay right now for $699, but it is not working 100%. As with any of this stuff...patience and diligence nets results. I go into pawn shops all of the time. The I-net has really decreased the "find ratio;" this was an anomaly. These dudes are into guns...guitars are an afterthought for them. If they had done their research there is no way they'd have let it go for what I paid! I go into these places all of the time though...the deals are there.

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