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Anyone else hate it when you have to listen to overhead music while at work?


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I promise I would take that over nothing at all. Listening to coughs, hiccups, farts, burps, and then the unending constantly click click click CLACK of keystrokes and mice is 100,000,000x worse. That's what I go through. 5' partitions and low ass {censored}ing ceilings so I can still pretty much hear phonecalls over 5 cubicles away. It's hell. And I forgot my mother{censored}ing iPod today too. :mad:

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When I started managing this store, I threw out the radio system, installed my $20 speaker/sub system I got from Target, and just play: a work playlist from 10-6 and no holds barred (as long as there's no cursing...yeah right :lol:) from 6:01 til closing.


I've been over radio music for 6 years in retail. {censored} that.


I have most people digging the {censored} I play. There are some that would talk smack and states that I ruined their day... I've actually told 'em off, they're not the ones who has to be here ALL day dealing with morons.

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HAHAHAHA! I'm so using that pic now!


At least I work in a place that plays rock all day. That being said I don't really like old rock and it isn't getting any more diverse. <_>


"Back in Black" should only be listened to once MAYBE twice a day. I'm going on 5 now.

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I just wear headphones and listen to whatever I want. I even wear the earplug type ones, as we used to have a horrible bitch here who never shut the {censored} up, so I started using these to block her out. :lol:


At the moment, The Smiths' Strangeways album. :)



Started doing it years ago at another job, and I think I'd go nuts if I had to work at a place that wouldn't let me listen to my own music. :idk:

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