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Japan Radiation - California

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No, you've been watching too much TV, nothing for the US, in fact after meltdown the people of Japan will be exposed to the amount of radiation about equal to a CT scan or less.

Of course if your dumb enought to stand in the reactor, things could be different.



OP needs to find a reliable news source.


Headline: "The moment nuclear plant chief WEPT as Japanese finally admit that radiation leak is serious enough to kill people."No {censored}.

It further goes on saying that the chief said it could kill SOME citizens...y'know...like the ones NEXT DOOR to the reactor, maybe.

Like you said, it may kill someone in direct vicinity...it IS radiation after all.

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I'm really worried for my family.

The nuclear reactors in Japan have gone into meltdown, and we are already detecting radiation here in California, which will likely rise sharply in the coming days...





You're about a million more times likely to be beaten in an ass kicking contest by someone with no legs than be affected.

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again il say, nobody knows the actual truth of what is really going on

but its prob alot worse than they are leading you to believe



The words are now that is close to being under control, I know disasters can be exciting but I for one want this to end tree has been probably 10,000 deaths already.

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Exposed fuel rods, some recently removed and still very hot. Check.

Breached containment vessels and leaking cores. Check.

Possible cracked and leaking fuel rod ponds. Check.

Desperate actions to cool reactors and fuel ponds. Check.


Do the math. It's bad and only getting worse.


While the rest of the world will be fine, Japan most definately will NOT be.


Not to mention, this situation is nowhere near being resolved. The worst is yet to come. Very sad.

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here is an interesting little read, i do believe that there is alot worse going on than what they are telling you out there in japan



So were All your family wiped out at 3 mile island.


We are getting pissed with all the sensationalist crap here.

We know the stuation And that is why the area has been evacuated, the only people wanting to stay are the old and the stupid.

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3 mile island is nowhere near me

in all seriousness though i go around the lancaster PA area sometimes and the chicks up there are hideous ... the radiation must have done something to those bitches



That's what I meant they have evacuated the area (it's mostly small towns and farms anyway).



Good reply though,

made me lol

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