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The Anomaly

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no hovering :lol:












Or do you not give a gatdamn monkey's taint who is getting married in the UK in a few days? I'm just not sure why it's so {censored}ing important in the USA to warrant this much news coverage and analysis.


Sorry Brits.

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Never really understood the whole reason for England holding onto the Queen, Prince symbols. Yes she has the power to do alot but rarely does anything but be a figure head. Why USA news is so intrested in the Royal Wedding is beyond me. I don't know of anyone that really cares.

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I lived in London for 5 years when I was young 7-12


I totally get the Royals and I respect their role in the British Empire


This upcoming marriage is between the next King of England and of course his wife will be the Queen of England, this is big stuff BIG



Interesting side note: Only a King's wife is automatically a Queen, when there is a Queen then her husband is not called King. For instance Elizabeth's husband is called the Duke of Edinburgh.

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USA news media is a joke. Way beyond Orwell. They cover Lohan and Sheen and Royal copulation rather than the US soldiers who got convicted this week for killing innocent Afghani's and hacking off body parts for trophys. Out of sight -out of mind.:(

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Who gives a holy {censored} about two rich brats getting married, jesus.


I flipped past CNN today and the two brain dead meet puppets from "Show Bizz Tonight" were raving about toilet seats at the reception area. {censored}ing toliet seats.


there's not a facepalm big enough. :facepalm:

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I lived in London for 5 years when I was young 7-12

I totally get the Royals and I respect their role in the British Empire

This upcoming marriage is between the next King of England and of course his wife will be the Queen of England, this is big stuff BIG

Interesting side note: Only a King's wife is automatically a Queen, when there is a Queen then her husband is not called King. For instance Elizabeth's husband is called the Duke of Edinburgh.



Someone read their Parade this Sunday!

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I was listening to the radio and the Queen's funeral has been planned very thoroughly to the point of it being rehearsed on a regular basis.


We're part of the Commonwealth in Canada and I don't think most give a {censored}. There's an election coming up next month that's got a lot weighing on it.

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I don't think anyone cares at all...brits included.



You should check out footage of past royal weddings. It's absolutely insane how many people come out to see it and how much they love it. The crowds make the million man march look like nothing. The brits go crazy for these events.

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