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Tell me about the RedBear MK120/MK60 (surprisingly on topic)


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I've heard that this amp is basically a JCM 800 but with a little more bottom end. How true is this? Has anyone had a look at the schematic, and if so, is the JCM800 comparison a fair one. I understand these came with some wacky Russian tubes, but most of them seem to have been converted to take standard available tubes. Are the originals hard to get? Do the different tubes make a huge difference to the tone? Finally, what's the build quality like? I've seen some with what look like plastic toggle switches (or maybe I'm thinking about the Sovtek MIGs). Are the internals sturdy and reliable?


Thanks. I have to go take a poo now.


Oh, yeah, this clip sounds pretty good. Is this pretty much what to expect tonewise?



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You were lied to. Red Bear's are like jcm800s with more gain and 50 times the bass, not a puny "little" that you posted. If im using a really bright amp and a really bright cab i can sometimes put my bass above 1 on the dial.


12ax7 conversions are very very easy and actually give it a little more gain. I had mine done by a tech and it cost a whole $40.


The clip sounds good, but add about 10 times the bass.

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i didn't think they sounded anything like a jcm800. the other guitarist in my band used one for about 2 weeks. hated it. i couldn't hear him, all we could hear was bass. thing was pretty poorly made, and seemed to be the gibson equivalent of the sovteks. strange time, the early 90's... strange time...

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I like the way that sounds.
My current amp is a MIG 100. It sounds good too, but yeah. The plastic switches and jacks were a problem. A cheap & easy problem to fix, but a problem nonetheless.



You did? bleh

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