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Ok, yet again, let's have some LOOP QUANTUM love!


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I have to tell you all yet again just how cool Arend really is.

I love to do business with him as he treats me the way I treat others.

This is rare in the music industry. I mean RARE!


I had a problem with a product I had bought from him. Sent him a PM,

which he promptly responded to. Talked to him on the phone. Problem taken care of. PERIOD. Not only is he a super guy to deal with for your musical needs, he is just an all around great guy period.


I can't say enough nice things about him. If and when you have musical needs, (and you know you will), give him a call at Sweetwater. He will take care of you during the sale for sure, but also after the sale. That is the mark of excellence in my opinion.


Thank you Arend!



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As much as I
Loupe, I don't think there's a lack of love/appreciation for him in this place.

He's the bronze virgin in our bathhouse of shame.


That is ok with me. Props where props are due always though.

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