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Christmas $$$ gaming purchase: Halp?


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If you want to play Skyrim on it, get the xbox. The PS3 version of Skyrim has awful framerate, it's virtually unplayable in some situations even after installing the patch that was supposed to fix the issues.


I have both consoles btw and don't prefer one over the other. Just take a look which one has exclusives that seem more interesting to you.

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not to mention the fact that you can get a 360 and at least two games for the cost of a "decent video card" lol.

PC gaming is phenomenal, but stupid expensive




My laptop isn't THAT old or outdated, yet, but SWTOR is kicking my computer's butt, and no more visually impressive than it is, I don't understand why.

I've been considering buying a nice desktop for gaming, but then I realized this is pretty much the only game I'll be playing on PC, so I'll struggle with the poor performance until I get bored of the game and move on with console gaming once again. I could buy three consoles or more for what it'd cost for a PC that'll be good for gaming for less than half as long as a console.

Depending on how much I get into Skyrim (once I get around to gamestop for the buy 2 get 1), SWTOR might be getting a pass anyway. I'm hoping I get bored with TOR fairly quickly as I'm not terribly fond of the monthly subscrition anyway.

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My laptop isn't THAT old or outdated, yet, but SWTOR is kicking my computer's butt, and no more visually impressive than it is, I don't understand why.

I've been considering buying a nice desktop for gaming, but then I realized this is pretty much the only game I'll be playing on PC, so I'll struggle with the poor performance until I get bored of the game and move on with console gaming once again. I could buy three consoles or more for what it'd cost for a PC that'll be good for gaming for less than half as long as a console.

Depending on how much I get into Skyrim (once I get around to gamestop for the buy 2 get 1), SWTOR might be getting a pass anyway. I'm hoping I get bored with TOR fairly quickly as I'm not terribly fond of the monthly subscrition anyway.


you guys know you can build a gaming rig for liek 500 bucks that will run everything right, and you can upgrade it every coupel eyars for the price fo a 200 dollar video card and maybe 50 bucks on more ram, where as consoles are outdated before they are even released and cost 700 + dollars to buy when they are new, i will stick to pc thank you..

oh and by the way gaming on a laptop is stupid, laptops are not made for gaming, and the gaming laptops are not worth their price

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you guys know you can build a gaming rig for liek 500 bucks that will run everything right, and you can upgrade it every coupel eyars for the price fo a 200 dollar video card and maybe 50 bucks on more ram, where as consoles are outdated before they are even released and cost 700 + dollars to buy when they are new, i will stick to pc thank you..

oh and by the way gaming on a laptop is stupid, laptops are not made for gaming, and the gaming laptops are not worth their price



While I would probably agree with the laptop comment, I have been playing Skyrim on my Macbook Pro and it has been doing an awesome job.

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you guys know you can build a gaming rig for liek 500 bucks that will run everything right, and you can upgrade it every coupel eyars for the price fo a 200 dollar video card and maybe 50 bucks on more ram, where as consoles are outdated before they are even released and cost 700 + dollars to buy when they are new, i will stick to pc thank you..

oh and by the way gaming on a laptop is stupid, laptops are not made for gaming, and the gaming laptops are not worth their price



I've never spent anywhere even CLOSE to 700 bucks for a console, and it might get "outdated" by PC standards fairly quickly, but since a console dictates consistency, it doesn't really matter.

And please, show me WHERE I can buy the components to build a gaming pc, OS and all for that kind of cash. Anytime I look into piecing one together, I always go over that without ever getting into a CD/DVD drive, hard drive, OS, etc.

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for me it came down to Fable.... so I went with the 360 because I was hooked on it... so far *knocks on wood* I've had no problems with my 360 except for EA's server kickin' me off every now and then when I'm playing Battlefield 3. A friend of mine recently sold me his PS3 for about $400 with all his games...about 10 or 12.... so now I have both though I haven't played the PS3 much since I have it set up by my Fiance's appartment... I'd agree graphically they are on par IMO.


As for the gaming PC option, I gave up on that a long time ago, it seems every time a new game comes out you need to upgrade your PC to play it properly... that got real old real fast with me... I figure the PS3 and the 360 both have a few years of life before the next best thing comes out so I wouldn't worry about them being obsolete just yet....

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Owned both, now own none.

PC gaming is far better if you can stretch to it, even if over time. I found the consoles eventually got annoying and ended up unused. The PC is a versatile machine that can do more than game... Music for example....

Anyway, between PS3 and Xbox360...
The ps3 titles seemed to look and feel a lot nicer than the xbox and the PS3 specific titles are amazing. I am a gear motor storm fan.
The xbox just seemed to be more fun in the long run. There were some titles that just ruled. But some titles didnt play as smoothly as the PS3 versions.

All in all, I'd go simply with whichever is cheaper for you to kit out. I personally wouldn't spend major coin on any of the current gen as I don't feel theyre worth the cash from a technical perspective.

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I've never spent anywhere even CLOSE to 700 bucks for a console, and it might get "outdated" by PC standards fairly quickly, but since a console dictates consistency, it doesn't really matter.

And please, show me WHERE I can buy the components to build a gaming pc, OS and all for that kind of cash. Anytime I look into piecing one together, I always go over that without ever getting into a CD/DVD drive, hard drive, OS, etc.




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lol. You think I've never been to newegg, tiger direct, etc. etc.?


I challenge you. Go right now, show me a shopping cart with everything I'd need for a current gaming pc for 500 dollars. Heck, I'll even cut you a break and say don't bother with the case. Already have a couple of those. Hey, I might even have a power supply I can use. Just the components. Build me a sufficient computer on newegg for 500 bucks, I'll buy it today.

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lol. You think I've never been to newegg, tiger direct, etc. etc.?

I challenge you. Go right now, show me a shopping cart with everything I'd need for a current gaming pc for 500 dollars. Heck, I'll even cut you a break and say don't bother with the case. Already have a couple of those. Hey, I might even have a power supply I can use. Just the components. Build me a sufficient computer on newegg for 500 bucks, I'll buy it today.


Make sure you include a copy of Windows :rolleyes:

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I have both and a gaming PC...to be honest, I don't even have time to game. :facepalm: So I tend to jump into a game for an hour or two and then get bored and go do something productive.


That said, I'm completely tired of First Person Shooters. The market has been flooded, nothing is new, it's all been done before. To me, it seems Xbox is geared towards FPS and online game play. I don't play enough games to get the enjoyment out of online gaming. I am into games with a good single player campaign.


PS3 has Uncharted, God of War, Metal Gear Solid (I do realize this is FPS...kind of...) and some other exclusives that are just fun games.


For me, it would be PS3 if I could only have one of the consoles.


I prefer PC gaming for RPG games that are on all 3...(Skyrim)


While 500 bucks may be a bit on the low side for a gaming computer, you can build a very capable system for about 700...200 video card, 150 dollar processor, 80 mobo, 80 memory, 50 hdd, 20 cdrom, and most people have cases laying around...if not, you can get a cheap case with power supply to throw it all into.


FYI, my system is an OLD q6600 quad core Intel, 4gb DDR2 ram, and a GTX560ti, and I can run any game out there...Skyrim plays on High with mods with a smooth frame rate...It will run fine on Ultra, but some of the more intense scenes have a frame rate drop...but seriously, it's not enough to slow down or hamper the game play.


This system was built in 2007 or 2008, and still plays modern games fine. I don't even think you can find that processor anymore, but if you could it would be stupid cheap.

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I've had every/all console, and several high end PC. I'm a hardcore gamer.

That being said, I got tired of having to upgrade my PC all the damn time. New graphics card here, more RAM there. {censored} got old.

As far as current consoles go, I have had 2 PS3's and sold them both for lack of use. My money is all up in the 360 right now. Love the games and the online service.

Also have the Wii and ton of handhelds.

If I were smart, I'd put all that game time into practicing guitar.

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I love how my thread on which console turned into a console v PC war. :lol:


I was ALWAYS a PC gamer until I went a few years without a PC. Since then, I just don't see the attraction anymore. Console's are cheaper, easier, and when I get tired of a game I can get at least a few bucks for it on the next one I want.


Its not "Consoles are better" its "Consoles fit my budget and life better."



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lol. You think I've never been to newegg, tiger direct, etc. etc.?

I challenge you. Go right now, show me a shopping cart with everything I'd need for a current gaming pc for 500 dollars. Heck, I'll even cut you a break and say don't bother with the case. Already have a couple of those. Hey, I might even have a power supply I can use. Just the components. Build me a sufficient computer on newegg for 500 bucks, I'll buy it today.


gimme a couple hours, we're insanely busy at work

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comes with free dvd burner, i'm assuming internal





Total is 515 before shipping. no case and windows premium OEM goes on sale for 79.99 every other month or so so if you wait you can get it for sub 500, assuming the HD is still shipping with a dvd burner, otherwise that's where the savings will go.


I didn't realize how much the floods in thailand had affected the hdd prices, I used to see the WD hdd for 20 bucks....even the 500gb was $50.

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not to mention the fact that you can get a 360 and at least two games for the cost of a "decent video card" lol.

PC gaming is phenomenal, but stupid expensive



When you start buying games you'll see console gaming is stupid expensive. You can get 10 good games for $50 on Steam.


I have over 80 PC games but I have still spent much more on consoles.

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It depends what you're after. My PC is primarily a development and music machine.


It's just nice to flick into GTA IV or Fear 3 for a bit and get some awesome fooking graphics into the bargain - far better than XB and PS3.


But then, it's a PC. I guess you pay for the versatility.

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comes with free dvd burner, i'm assuming internal

Total is 515 before shipping. no case and windows premium OEM goes on sale for 79.99 every other month or so so if you wait you can get it for sub 500, assuming the HD is still shipping with a dvd burner, otherwise that's where the savings will go.

I didn't realize how much the floods in thailand had affected the hdd prices, I used to see the WD hdd for 20 bucks....even the 500gb was $50.



That's actually not too bad...160gb is kind of a joke, though. My laptop is 4 years old and has 250 (and that's about 60% full, btw)

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