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DIY attenuator? (well not quite)


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ive been loking at attenuators to be able to drive my LaneyVC50 at volumes where i can be in the same room without making my ears bleed. I know sopme of the better attenuators use actual speaker motors without a cone.


I was going to get some Greenbacks for my amp anywawy as the stock speakers arent too good. But was wondering if i would be able to modify the old speaker and remove the cone to leave be with just the motor. I know this wouldnt exactly be a n attenuator but it would atill put a load on the amp.


So if i got the celestions and puit them in could i play my amp in 4x16oms mode with the impedance switcvh and leave the old speakers (motors only) hooked up. So it would be liek a 4x12 but only 2 of the speakers would have cones.


Im no electrical wiz but arent a toal n00b just wanted some advice if it would work.

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1) not sure but if it didnt it shouldnt be too hard to remedy although i guess id have to try it to be sure.


2) tbh i dunno wot u mean


3) i did wonder about that, the cone itself wouldnt resist much being paper but the air that it puches would and as the idea is i stop it pushing air it couldmake a difference?


i was also wondering if this would actually make much of a difference as just like going from a 212 to a 412 wont double your volume (or barely increase) would essentially runnign a 212 when the amp thinks its a 412 not half the volume. It is halfing the air moved but the amp will put out the samepower- BUT in this case the amp is stil putting out power to four speakers so the two with cones wont have double th......................................................................................................................................................................arggh i dunno wot im on about this is why i stated this thread.


any more ideas cus im thinking ill just try it and see?

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ive been loking at attenuators to be able to drive my LaneyVC50 at volumes where i can be in the same room without making my ears bleed. I know sopme of the better attenuators use actual speaker motors without a cone.

I was going to get some Greenbacks for my amp anywawy as the stock speakers arent too good. But was wondering if i would be able to modify the old speaker and remove the cone to leave be with just the motor. I know this wouldnt exactly be a n attenuator but it would atill put a load on the amp.

So if i got the celestions and puit them in could i play my amp in 4x16oms mode with the impedance switcvh and leave the old speakers (motors only) hooked up. So it would be liek a 4x12 but only 2 of the speakers would have cones.

Im no electrical wiz but arent a toal n00b just wanted some advice if it would work.


Just a thought on putting Greenbacks in that amp.


I used to have a VC50 and know exactly where you're coming from. It's a great amp but it comes with what may be the crappiest shrill sounding speakers ever made. Here's my concern. Your not leaving yourself much, if any margin for error, putting two 25W speakers in that 50W amp. Tube amps can and almost always will put out peaks that are WELL above their rated output. I've heard of cases where 100 watt Plexis have been measured putting out over 150 watts. You'd have to be pretty careful with your volume to spare those Greenbacks a violent death.


An excellent alternative would be Eminence's version of the Greenback, the Private Jack. I think they handle about 60 watts and I know they sound great. I have one in my Peavey Classic 30. Obviously they don't sound exactly like a Greenback but I'm sure they sound better than a blown one. :eek: Plus they're cheaper, so you'll save some coin as well.

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yeah i did think about classic 30s but with the harshness they wouldnt go with this amp. sorry, when i say greenbacks i meant the G12H's which are basicly the same but a heavier magnet and more handling. I just get used to calling them greenbacks as more people will know what im on about and i can remember it better than some model number. Thanks for the advice though ill have a look at the eminences anyway i havnt shopped aroung much but iv had the greenbacks- sorry g12wotevers recommended a lot.

cheers donny


also a thought on the 'attenuator', most attenuators run i series with the speakers but this would have to be in parralell wouldnt it............................hmm clearly more complicated than i thought. Ill probly just buy one as itll cost more to replace my amp which ill probly rape of i try it. And can get some

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also thats one funky-looking guitar in ur pic...

Thanks, it's a Megatar.


I don't think you can put a load in parallel with a speaker, leach off enough power to really attenuate, and not change the effective impedance the amp sees. Which is what you have to be careful about with tube amps. Here is a circuit I have used:



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