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Some recent builds


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Here's some of the pedals I've built over the last month. All are on Tonepad PCBs (excellent quality, btw).


MXR Phase90:



Tremulus Lune:

trem1_sm.jpg trem2_sm.jpg


MXR Envelope Filter:



Those pedals were my first try at using full-face decals (a single decal covering the whole front of the pedal). Previously I had used a separate decal for each label, which left ugly visible borders around them. While the new method works better, I screwed up with these pedals by drilling holes first and then trying to design the decal. As a result, some of the knobs cover up the labels, and other labels are misaligned with their respective controls.


After that mistake I revised my decal-making process. Now I first design the decal (which also includes a drilling template), then drill the holes and finally apply the decal. The results are much better, as the two fuzzes below show.


Big Muff:



Fuzz Face:



I also plan to refinish the first three pedals sometime in the future.

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