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NAD!!!!! moar mako gut shot prOn


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words are going to be hard to describe the level of intense awesome of this preamp. the seller shipped it without the tubes so i had the pleasure of opening her up. saying that the level of pride, craftsmanship and build quality is high is a vast understatment. Andrew is a genius; the man straight up deserves an award.




so here is my setup: mak4 > mesa 50/50 > avatar 412 w K100s. jesus lord mother of god is it fun to play. expectations were high from the vids i have been constantly watching but when you are standing in the room its way better. i prolly made a mess in my pants 3-4 times.


does it come stock with JJs or did the previous seller put these in?


the only complaints i have heard about this thing are the size and those people need to man the fuck up. my dick is pretty large and that doesnt ever seem to be an issue. in this case the size of the preamp directly correlates to the size of the tone - its FREAKING HUGE.






if you are on the fence or not familar with Mako amps you should just buy one and support a hard working american company; they are amazing. cant wait to play this at band practice tonight, i have zero doubt it sit perfectly in the mix.



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thanks, i am super happy and only got to play it for about 1.5 hrs.


the knobs are easily the best i have ever had on a map. the range is gigantic and unlike other amps they actually do stuff to the sound the entire range.


honestly this is going to remove all the gain pedals from my board. i'll use em with my fender but why in the heck do you need anything else but these four channels??? so many different sounds to be had, its awesome. i get OCD about volume levels and creating differently eq'd sounds for each and this solves all my issues.

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Badass man!! HNAD!!!


They ship stock with JJs.


Yeah dude, I bet it sounds sick with that power amp and k100s. {censored}ing LOVE k100s lol. I dont really have much else in my rig...gate, wireless, preamp, power amp, power conditioner, cab. Only thing on the floor now is the mak4 FS. I dont need FX for cleans because the clean channel on that thing is SOOOO nice. Id be surprised if you even needed your fender after that clean channel. Im finding more and more that the crunch channel is SUPER fun to play. Dont get me wrong...Dorado channel is MY sound, but the crunch is fun as hell...especially if you boost that {censored}er. The versatility is amazing, and the sensitivity of the knobs adds to that, for sure. Goddamn, I {censored}ing LOVE that amp. I wish I was playing it right now instead of typing this at work haha.


And yeah, there are NO other amps on the planet built as cleanly, nicely, artistically, and invincibley as Andrews stuff. That {censored} is so {censored}ing artful inside, and bulletproof, and his warranty backs that up.

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Thanks Raf, to be honest your clips along with FastRedPony's really helped turn me on to mako and get me to pull the trigger so thank you both for posting them.


I love the power switch too: Music or Off, lol.


the knobs are nuts, i'm so glad its 4 spaces and each channel gets that much room and those type of knobs. i remember on my engl e530 i could really only get one good sound regardless of spending hours fiddling with it and turning the knobs and nothing realy changing. last night, the first time plugging it in i easily got 10 different sounds that all slayed and i could have gotten more if would have been able to stop playing. the sustain and the organic feedback are a wet dream.


if you cant sound good with this thing - you fail. plain and simple.


6 hours left of work and i can play it again, cant wait!!!

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I dont think its possible to get a bad sound out of it. No matter where the knobs are, the amp sounds amazing. Im glad I had a part in convincing you haha!! I believe in Andrews stuff so much, that I just whore it out as much as I can haha. Ive wanted a Mako since 2004/2005...finally got one, and Im not looking back.

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got mine for 899 plus 45 for shipping. i mean seriously compare that to a bogner fish for example, Andrew could be charging more once the name gets out more bc the craftsmanship and sound quality are top notch.


1075 + shipping new but then you have to wait for him to build it.


yeah sorry the gut shots didnt come out too great, it was dark in my house.

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Thanks Raf, to be honest your clips along with FastRedPony's really helped turn me on to mako and get me to pull the trigger so thank you both for posting them.

I love the power switch too: Music or Off, lol.

the knobs are nuts, i'm so glad its 4 spaces and each channel gets that much room and those type of knobs. i remember on my engl e530 i could really only get one good sound regardless of spending hours fiddling with it and turning the knobs and nothing realy changing. last night, the first time plugging it in i easily got 10 different sounds that all slayed and i could have gotten more if would have been able to stop playing. the sustain and the organic feedback are a wet dream.

if you cant sound good with this thing - you fail. plain and simple.

6 hours left of work and i can play it again, cant wait!!!


I'm still keeping my e530, but yeah, one good gain sound and that's pretty much it. Took the advice of a dude on RigTalk, who suggested I replace the uber-bright Engl tubes with some JJ ECC83 S tubes. THAT was one of my smarter purchases, and a cheap one too. The Engl's now a real beast with its own sound. The MAK4, however, is a completely different, bigger beast with many good sounds in the 4 channels. The Ignoramus is in FAT CITY. :D

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