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Can a cover humbucker be coil tapped?

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I'm not sure I've ever seen one with coil tap, but I have seen split coil humbuckers. Do you just want to turn one of the two coils off and on? If so, then I believe Duncan and DiMarzio, as well as many others, make a covered version.

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As Alan points out, there is a difference between tapped and split, with split being the most common that most think of.

In any event, the cover makes no difference if a pup can be split or tapped. It needs to have the necessary wiring in the leads to work.

Most 4 wire humbuckers can be split.

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Designed jointly by Seymour and humbucker inventor, the late Seth Lover. Just like the original 1955 P.A.F.s, the SH-55 utilizes a nickel silver cover and long-legged nickel silver bottom plate, butyrate plastic bobbins, plain enamel wire, Alnico 2 bar, wooden spacer, and black paper tape. To be completely true to the original design and tone, the pickup is not wax potted. The tone is vintage P.A.F. The unpotted cover gives a slightly "honky" microphonic quality. Vintage style single conductor cable standard.




No, it is not 4 wire. You cannot split it.

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Ok thanks guys. I have now sorted out what would work. A Bare Knuckle Stormy Monday- When you buy it, it gives you the option of 4 wires or 2 braided, so thats sorted. Also its a great pickup that iv been looking at for a while now.

However, im still not sure whether im going to build this guitar, as im planning on getting a Rickenbacker 620 in the summer. The guitar after that will definitely be a build.

Thanks for your time guys,


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Designed jointly by Seymour and humbucker inventor, the late Seth Lover. Just like the original 1955 P.A.F.s, the SH-55 utilizes a nickel silver cover and long-legged nickel silver bottom plate, butyrate plastic bobbins, plain enamel wire, Alnico 2 bar, wooden spacer, and black paper tape. To be completely true to the original design and tone, the pickup is not wax potted. The tone is vintage P.A.F. The unpotted cover gives a slightly "honky" microphonic quality. Vintage style single conductor cable standard.

No, it is not 4 wire. You cannot split it.



Actually, it is available as a four conductor :http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/electric/humbucker/vintage/sh55_seth_lover/

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covered humbuckers don't even have coils




You, sir, are a comedian of the highest degree. I salute you, and thank you for providing much needed comic relief to my otherwise dull and boring day.

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If the humbucker pickup has two wires, the third and fourth connectors are in there somewhere - where the coils connect to each other. Find that connection, separate it, and solder additional leads to them. The result is a four-wire pickup. You can then wire switches for single-coil, humbucker, or coils out-of-phase. If the pickup is encapsulated, you may not be able to get to the tender little wires without destroying the pickup.


I have done this on Gibson humbucker pickups in an old Ibanez LP. Provides a huge tonal variation.



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