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NAD (to me) - All Bases Are Covered


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I had been wanting to add a second amp my rig for a while now. I took a shot at the 5153 and really liked it a lot but found it too similar to my Cali. That's not to say they sound alike. To my ears, the 5153 has a modded Marshall tone to me with its own voice going on. I would have been completely happy with it but decided to go with my original thought - smoother and dark in comparison to the Cali mod.


Say hello to my little friend:




The Mark IV has always been one of my favorite amps (owned a short head for 3 years). Saw our buddy Tom (Les Zombie) selling his and decided to buy it. It arrived today in perfect condition and it sounds terrific. It is so nice to have two amps that are different enough to merit keeping. When I want to get my 80s hard rock/metal going I rev up the Cali (which I think does it better than anything). When I want something a little more smooth and dark (dare I say modern) I flip on the Mark IV.


It is great to have my absolute two favorite amps in the world in my rig room. One more gear acquisition in May and I should be set.


Just thought I would share my great day!

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