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Convert Semi Open 2x12 to Closed, Oval, 1/3rd or 2/3rd??

Junk Yard Dog

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I am thinking to experiment with my Dr. Z semi-open back 2x12 cab. It is pretty solid and sounds great with 2 G12H 30's, so 60 watts, 8 ohms and I play it through my EVH 5153 50w.


I compared it to my friends Mesa 2x12 last weekend and mine was more open with lots of great 3-D sound and also bass, especially via the Resonance switch on the back. ...But his seemed to be louder. We played all volume and EQ settings the same and his was slightly louder, but it also has 2 V30's and was very harsh and piercing, but it was brand new.


I'm thinking of mixing a V30 with my G12H 30, but I also want to experiment with different backs AND speakers (Lynchbacks, WGS Invaders, etc.) for the cab. We would swap speakers, so he has the same mix as I; we are band mates.


The dimensions are 32" H x 20" W x 11" D. The semi-open cab is 6.25". I've read that the ideal semi-open gaps are 1) Oval, 2) 1/3, 3) 4".


I may go to home depot and get cuts for...


1) a full oval back panel - what is the formula for this? can't find it in a search

2) a third 6.25" panel to make it fully closed, convertible, 3 panels with more options

3) 2 new panels to make the gap only 4" instead of 6.25"

4) 1 panel just to close ONE of the speakers, like if I put the V30 on the bottom and closed it up, does that make sense?


It is a LARGE 2x12 with a wider than usual space between speakers.


Also, if I brought the cab to Home Depot or Lowe's, could they measure and make the cuts?


What do you guys think of these ideas?





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V30's just naturally dominate mixes. Closing the back isn't going to make your cab louder, just more directional and will change the tone some. That being said, V30's and G12H30's play well together, so throwing one in your cab may be the answer for you.

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Well, I've always played a closed back 2 and 4x12, but I've grown to prefer 2x12's with my current gigs. I was really blown away by this cab as it sounded bigger than the Bogner OS 2x12 we put it up against at GC. I actually went to purchase the Bogner, but tried this out thinking it was the Z Best, BUT it's clearly not, AND it beat out the Bogner. The GC staff that helped me with it agreed.


What do you guys think about putting the V30 on the bottom and closing up just that part of the back? I think I'm going to make all the cuts mentioned and just see what works best. It'll be an interesting experiment.


QUESTION: if I took the cab to Home Depot or Lowe's will they measure and cut the plywood cuts for me, or just cut what I ask for?

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