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Can I play bass through my vintage Super Reverb?


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First of all, I am fully aware that the original 10" speakers in a Super Reverb will blow in a heartbeat if I even attempt to play bass through them at any decent volume. I also know that the Super Reverb does best with a 2 ohm load. 

If I wired (4) 8 ohm bass speakers in parallel into an external cab for 2 ohms, would my SR undergo any more stress than it does with a guitar signal? Would the transformers and everything be okay?

On a side note, I think my bass sounds its best when playing through my SR

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By no means take my word for this, you should really listen to someone more knowledgeable before you torture your amp...

But I've always -occasionally- played through all of my amps...

AC30, 70s vibrolux reverb, SF twin reverb etc...

Especially the fenders sounded REALLY good imo, and though most those amps always had 12" speakers and I never cranked them or anything, I doubt you'd harm your SR by playing bass through it now and then. As long as you go easy on the volume, I can't think of much that can go horribly wrong. Again though, that's more based on experience than on actual technical expertise, so be sure to get a second opinion:)



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As long as you use bass speakers, you're fine. The amp couldn't care less, it'll amplify up to its headroom then distort and compress same as a guitar.


It's the speakers that would suffer, since guitar speakers are prone to break when subjected to the fast/ loud transients and low frequency energy a bass produces.

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