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Repainting a guitar that has mahogany oil finish


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I will be repainting my cheapo RG321MH MOL




since it is not painted, should I just do a wet sand job to get rid of the oil on top or should I just primer and paint right over it? I have no experience in repainting stuff that just come with Mahogany oil finishes- just stuff that is already painted. And what type of spray paint should I use for the mahogany? (previously I've only painted metallic/plastic things).



Thanks in advance.

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I would leave it alone, it looks great as is. If you are going to paint over it you have to take it down to the wood. Paint like laquer or poly wont stick properly if the oil finish is its left on there. Good Luck.

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50/50 bleach to water solution. Put on a rag, put rag on guitar. Let sit for about an hour. Keep it moist. Clean (really clean) with water. Sand with 220 grit & shoot some B.I.N. shellac based primer on it. Paint it with whatever you want. Shellac don't care. That's what the old school guys used to seal up a finish before repainting back in the day.

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