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STRAT screams GIBSON growls ??


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Les Paul #1 contributions were multitracking, overdubs and echo. That was the number one item that revolutionized the entire music industry and affected ALL musicians, not just ones who played guitar.


Yes he was a good musician and yes he made the solidbody guitar popular because he was an established musician already and played radio shows and the like. Rickenbacker was already making solidbodies, so he basically retread ground already laid and made something acceptable looking for Jazz Guitarists.


They wouldnt lent him in the door with a wood block so ripped the sides of an Epiphone to fit on his log. This prevented feedback and allowed the guitar to be amplified loud enough to compete with large bands that had blareing horns blowing.

As for all his music, I recognise most of it. My folks had plenty of his 45s when I was growing up. It's kinda cool but much of it is pretty hoakey by todays standards, but most musicians can appreciate his playing back leads at doubble speed on albums and knew he had a cool idea there.

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Actually a littel known fact is Gates bought DOS from a company called Monroe. Then he built windows upon that. I worked for Monroe on some of the first computers back then. Monroe invented the first mechanical one arm bandit calculators. The eventually built calculators of every specialized type simular to how we have programs now. They then got into vaccume tubes and transistor calculators then computers. Some of the contraptions they had were very cool. When they found out IBM was coming out as leader of the computer pack they sold out their entire computer R&D. Gates wound up with DOS which lead to windows.

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