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Turning a crybaby into an expression pedal?


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I have never moded or worked with the guts of my gear so I thought this might be an easy task to start with. Im guessing all I have to do is take out the wah circuit and replace it with an expression pedal type circuit. Is this as easy as i think it is?

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The Dunlop is 470K ohm non linear pot I believe and doesnt spin a full turn. Whatever expression you plan on using it for needs to match that pot. Used as a passive volume pedal it sucks major tone and volume.


What kind of expression were you planning on using it for? You need to post details to get a detailed answer.

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I'm watching this one with keen interest. IDK if you can find a schematic for the expression pedal circuit. You may have to get and expression pedal and copy that. But if you then have the pedal, what's the point?

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The Dunlop is 470K ohm non linear pot I believe and doesnt spin a full turn. Whatever expression you plan on using it for needs to match that pot. Used as a passive volume pedal it sucks major tone and volume.

What kind of expression were you planning on using it for? You need to post details to get a detailed answer.



I was going to use it for my DL4 just in the up and down position.

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So what would you do sweep delay time, increase repeats, or use it for the mix?


In any case, You would have to test the existing pots in the delay pedal and see if the values are close. Then you would need to remove the existing pot from the circuit, run wires from those connections, to a TRS type jack insulated from the box ground, then run a grounded three conductor cable to the Dunlop, Install another TRS jack, and wire it to that pot. Then use the pedal to vary the perameter you want. generally what you're doing is removing the pot from your echo unit, Connecting three long wires between the echo and the pot and varying the pot at a distance. The pots need to match though or at least be close.


Many pedal pots are 10K or 100K pots. The existing Dunlop pot may not work well in that case. It surely wont give you the full seep range of the existing echo pots so if you were going to use it as a time sweep, you wouldnt be abloe to go as slow or fast as the existing control using the dunlop.


You might be able to add resistance to the two outer pot legs to get a closer resistance match to the echos pot, but there again, yopu need to know the pot value. If it isnt written on the pot, you need an ohm meter, desolder the pot you want to express from the circuit, then measure its resistance with the ohmmeter.


Its unlikely you'll get another pot type to fit the dunlop and its gear so modifying the existing pot for a lower value is about all you got to work with. Maybe, as a second pot on the side for fine tuning.


Lastly, the dunlop with have to be connected for the line 6 to function. If you wnat to be able to use the built in controll "OR" the dunlop, then youre getting into adding a 3PDT switch to switch betreen the two. Doable depending on how much space you have inside the Echo unit.

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