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I'm A Masochist......


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....but there's a little in each of us isn't there. I went to a guitar shop today that I've never been to before. They had some Breedloves, Larrivees, and some others. This place was the opposite direction my house is from my work so I absolutely had to stay there, playing this one and that, until rush hour was over. (Logging that excuse for future use.)


I played a few of the Breedloves first. I really like Breedloves a lot but they really really sound different among their own line. I played a Focus because I like cedar, a Northwest, and one of the newer less expensive model, not sure which. They were nice but not stellar. But having played many others I know that there is one waiting for me somewhere.


Among the Larrivees I liked the LV-09 a lot. This shop sets all their guitars up for "stage use" they say. The LV-09 was by far the easiest to play in the shop. Great sound too. I have to go back sometime when they aren't giving lessons so I can get some one on one time. Significant savings though if I go with the L-09, no cutaway or electronics. The shop owner insisted that I wanted the B-Band but I just dunno.


I also played a Lowden, model SR23 I think. What a different guitar. It was very pleasing to the eyes and had a unique sound. I went back to it so many times that I actually muddied up my opinion rather than reinforce it. The guy said it was a $3400 guitar and was marked $1800, used - but you couldn't tell from looking at it. I was leaning towards it, in a window shopping kind of way. But that Larrivee!


Grrrrrrrr!! Why do we punish ourselves this way?!? (Cuz we really like it don't we. :D )


So 'fess up. Is anyone immune to this self-imposed torture??? :cool:

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Sometimes it's fun to just look, but some of us have to be quick about it - even if it's only Guitar Center.




It's just as well. Even the "high-end" guitars in Guitar Center are so poorly maintained it makes it that much easier to just put 'em back down!


"Honey, do you have a band-aid? I cut myself on the frets on that Taylor 314 because the fretboard was all dried out."


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Originally posted by orsino

Well riffdaddy as I live and breathe. Where ya been boy?



First finals, then moving. Actually, the truck pulled up to load my stuff about three hours before my last final, so there was a bit of overlap there. I'm still unpacking boxes, but I'm settled enough to resume some of my normal activities. I'm about to start work on a 45-minute program of free jazz, so I'll be in and out for the next couple of months.

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Good to hear from you again.


Sorry that the Chiefs ran out of gas. I was really rooting for Vermeil's boys, since I'm from Philly and remember him taking those Eagles to their only Super Bowl, which of course, they lost. But that was 1980, too long ago. And of course, they came within one game again this year. Aghh!


Anyway, welcome back!

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I just realized what runs a close second to the "I want it" syndrome we have aboutr guitars, at least for me....going to Lowe's or Home Depot. I went there for just an A/C filter. That's almost all I bought, a couple other misc. items came along. But I walked the entire store looking at this and that. I saw a radial arm, compound miter saw with a laser cut line guide for $199. I don't really need one, yes I do...no I don't....YES I DO!!! I had to walk away. Walking in that place is like going to the beach in the summer. Eye popping to say the least. :eek:

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Originally posted by Unk

I just realized what runs a close second to the "I want it" syndrome we have aboutr guitars, at least for me....going to Lowe's or Home Depot. I went there for just an A/C filter. That's almost all I bought, a couple other misc. items came along. But I walked the entire store looking at this and that. I saw a radial arm, compound miter saw with a laser cut line guide for $199. I don't really need one, yes I do...no I don't....YES I DO!!! I had to walk away. Walking in that place is like going to the beach in the summer. Eye popping to say the least.


I know how you feel, Unk! Here I was all set to get a new guitar last year for my birthday and went and got a 32" Sony WEGA and a new Trek mountain bike instead...




... so now here I sit in the middle of winter watching it snow and that bike is sitting in the basement with two flat tires. The wife is downstairs watching Food TV in high-definition and stereo sound and we just had Chinese takeout for dinner!


Oh well, I've got plenty of "GAS" for my first ride come springtime! :p

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Originally posted by kwakatak

I know how you feel, Unk! Here I was all set to get a new guitar last year for my birthday and went and got a 32" Sony WEGA and a new Trek mountain bike instead...


... so now here I sit in the middle of winter watching it snow and that bike is sitting in the basement with two flat tires. The wife is downstairs watching Food TV in high-definition and stereo sound and we just had Chinese takeout for dinner!

Oh well, I've got plenty of "GAS" for my first ride come springtime!



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