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12 string restringing ???


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A question for the acoustic players of the 12 string variety.


I recently acquired a double neck acoustic and spent this past sunday restringing it for my upcoming show. While doing so I wondered, how much of a difference in sound it made if I restrung it the other way. As I received it the normal 6 strings were on the bottom of the Additional strings. Curious what sound it has if the usual 6 strings are strung on top with the octave strings on the bottom....


Does that make sense?

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There was a thread about this some time ago (I think related to the Rickenbacher stringing) and altho I've never tried it myself I believe the report was that it would sound a little more like a "high strung" guitar (the octave strings would be a little more dominate). A lot would depend on your picking style and attack - I play my 12 without a thumb pick and try to attack both strings equally, however with some Kottke songs I try to emphasize the high G string.


Chris Proctor separates the spacing of his strings so he can pick each course separately, but still strings in the "normal order". Obviously you will need to cut a new nut and maybe reramp the slots, and if your saddle is compensated you will have to redo that too.

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well for the project I'm in, Running Blind - we are doing hard rock covers acoustically...I do a lot of strumming, i'd say 75/25 - down/up picking, so I'd like the octave strings to be present just a little less in the mix.

Also, how do you guys usually set your EQ's? Mine is an Acoustic/electric, and am struggling to get a good balance between the on board EQ and the G major EQ ...

any help there?

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