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Handmade head and risk of fire?


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Hey guys, probably a stupid question but I recently built a custom redwood 2x12 with a nice stain and poly seal. Im buying a musicman hd30 head and I'd like to build it a matching housing with similar cloth. I'm worried about the risk of fire from tube heat? Has anyone had an issue with this or know anything about ensuring circulation? I plan on using a wire front and back but will that be enough to keep this beast from going disco inferno?

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So long as the cloth isnt on the inside it shouldnt cause any problem.

The only things that get hot are the tubes and the worst that could happen is the

cloth would melt with direct contact with the tubes. They arent hot enough to ignite anything.

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As long as you have enough height to have air circulation you'll be fine. The amp is in a head cab as is. Make the dimensions the same and you'll be fine. If you're really worried, add an inch of height for better air flow.

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Install an isolated transformer, and a low voltage shielded low-noise computer chassis fan to help the amp chassis breathe. Make sure you have a proper path for air flow.




Why would you so all that? just use an AC fan connected to the switch designed to cool amps.

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Fans are liable to get noisy and break eventually. Don't a lot of amps just have extra vents? As long as there is a path for hot air to go out the top and cold air to come in the bottom a fan might not be needed. Wire front and back might be enough but what about a vent like in the top of the Crate Palomino V16? It's not like all those old TVs and radios had screamer fans in them.

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