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Nothing. I really need a couple doubles of everything though. This weekend was supposed to be off but doesn't look like it's going to happen. Add to that a relapse of this flu turned to pneumonia and I could use something. Have a couple for me and I'll see you on the other side of this.


P.S. - Downloaded that Sibelius demo software. I'll give it a try later when I'm up to it.

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Can't get it to do, yet, what DonK says it does. I put in what it's asking for but it either doesn't hear my guitar, whereas my other programs do, or I'm just doing something wrong. There is a User's Manual that can be downloaded but I can't get the site to come up. All the Demo Help feature does is point to the downloadable User's Manual, which won't come up. Goofy. One would think the company would bust their asses to make the Demo as user-friendly as possible with a progressive tutorial feature. Hell, I make video training stuff better than this for my technicians.


I get the blank staff and tab to come up and I load in some "staves", which one is prompted to do prior to recording. Then everything looks good. The staff has whole rests on each bar. When I press Record the bars are highlighted progressively per the tempo and signature presets, the metronome begins but nothing appears on the staff or tab below it as I play. I gotta be missing one simple step that gets the whole process working. But, again, the User's Manual is inaccessible. There is a guitar guide that is not loaded into the Demo either. An instructionless Demo. Go figure. I suppose Sibelius thinks this stuff should be intuitive to anyone with a guitar and keypad. I think the only way to get the instructions is to buy the program.

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Sweb, you did that nicely. I also do it in dropped D, but I get my F and G and the high D up the neck.


Watched Pvine's link---Stephen left out first verse lyrics ("and he wasn't into sellin' door to door") on his own tune :D Jorma and Jack (my heroes) seemed to enjoy the tune :cool:


Then I clicked on the CSN "Lee Shore" performance. Brought tears to my eyes.

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