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why not? humidity q


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hi all, and monday greetings from the entertainment capitol of the world... although i grant you not much is emanating from my locality this week.




i'm still UBER-neurotic about humidification issues... in Los Angeles, I can't seem to get a straight answer as to the proper course of care (dang microclimates).


so, i'm thinking a hygrometer is prolly in order, or maybe even one for mi casa (aka the Korean Kastle) and one for the case.


to wit... would one of these be at all useful?


And i reiterate my plea-- if anyone out there in radio nowhere is a fellow Angeleno... say hi, wouldya?




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I considered that $5.95 analog hygrometer, but as the rock-bottom, cheapest hygrometer I could locate anywhere (not that that's a *bad* thing), I decided my guitars deserved better & I purchased a Holmes digital for around $30.

When you said "entertainment capitol of the world" I assumed you were from the Borscht Belt; the Catskills, in upstate New York.

Yeah, so the Hollywood writers are on strike. (groan).


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i'm still UBER-neurotic about humidification issues... in Los Angeles, I can't seem to get a straight answer as to the proper course of care (dang microclimates).

so, i'm thinking a hygrometer is prolly in order, or maybe even one for mi casa (aka the Korean Kastle) and one for the case.

to wit... would one of
be at all useful?





That's exactly the one I - and several others - use. Available on ebay for $4 and the guy even pays the freight. User name mhotek.

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When you said "entertainment capitol of the world" I assumed you were from the Borscht Belt; the Catskills, in upstate New York.

Yeah, so the Hollywood writers are on strike. (groan).




Hey, beyond the hundreds of normal people losing their jobs locally, surely we can agree that the sudden loss of Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Bill Maher makes for grim late nights in the months to come. I mean, what... I'm supposed to pay attention to my wife now?


How's that for Borscht Belt, you little pisher?


Now then, back to topic: There's a cigar store down the block. I'll go see what he wants for one of these thingies. I hear you on the 30 dolla upgrade, but for now maybe this will do...

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I use one of those analog guitar store hygrometers and the nice thing is that they are adjustable, The digital ones are not. I bough a radio shack digital and it was 20 % off.



I have nothing against analog. The local cigar store (where the only purchase I have ever made is empty cigar boxes) has them but they run around $40/each; not $6.
My Holmes digital hygrometer seems to be accurate as it tracks my Planet Waves case hygrometer very closely. Holmes is the mfr of my room humidifier so I assumed they should know something about hygrometers.
The $6 variety might be deadly accurate once they are calibrated for all I know; I just didn't want to take a chance on them.

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That's exactly the one I - and several others - use. Available on ebay for $4 and the guy even pays the freight. User name mhotek.


So. There you go, jephre. We have an endorsement for those little analog guys. And you'll be $26 ahead, too! Go for it! Thanks, denvertrakker.

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The $6 variety might be deadly accurate once they are calibrated for all I know; I just didn't want to take a chance on them.



FWIW, I did the saturated-salt test when I got mine; it was only marginally off. I have one of those Oregon Scientific weather forecaster things, and the little analog guage seems to match it fairly closely - and also agrees with the humidity figures on the weather site I use (wunderground.com). YMMV.

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FWIW, I did the saturated-salt test when I got mine; it was only marginally off. I have one of those Oregon Scientific weather forecaster things, and the little analog guage seems to match it fairly closely - and also agrees with the humidity figures on the weather site I use (wunderground.com). YMMV.



Great! Thanks again for the head's up!

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The Catskills are beautiful mountains, I live on the northern fringe, but as far as entertainment, it's dead, has been for years. Everyone left, but forgot to turn out the lights.

I have checked out a bunch of different hygrometers, I like the digital ones, but you need to do the salt in bag routine to be sure what ever you get is close. I had an analog one built into the case of my Alvarez, worst of the worst. Off by at least 30% and not linear.

I use a cheap humidor element, plastic case about $7, size of a bar of soap. I am in big time winter heating country, rh often at 25% or less by January. I wet the element with distilled water every two weeks and I can keep my cases at 40-50% no problem. Natrually the guitars live in their cases in the winter, no way I can keep a whole room moist. We heat mostly with wood.

Catskill's entertainment capitol?? Jeez Queeg, how old are you!

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The Catskills are beautiful mountains, I live on the northern fringe, but as far as entertainment, it's dead, has been for years. Everyone left, but forgot to turn out the lights.

Catskill's entertainment capitol?? Jeez Queeg, how old are you!


Dave, it was a joke, "I'm telling gou",:poke: it was just a joke.

take my wife, please.

(albeit, not a very funny one; alright I'll grant you that)

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...would one of
be at all useful?

And i reiterate my plea-- if anyone out there in radio nowhere is a fellow Angeleno... say hi, wouldya?


Hey j, I'm a bit below you here in Redondo (in what some call "the South Bay"). I got a couple of those cheapies (exact same one) from Ebay (probably same seller already mentioned as I recall they were ~$4 shipped). I also got one of these...




-for $15 shipped off Ebay, from Zager (heh) but last time I looked they didn't list them (was going to pick up another for work).


I will note that currently the digital one reads 59%, one of the cheapos reads 55% and the other cheapo reads 72%, so I'd be careful to just trust them out of the box without doing some calibration. There's a screw on the back, and I'm going to set them all the same and see how close the cheapos stay to the digital (which could be off for all I know).


Anhow, greetings from down here. I'm 1/2 Korean... by marriage.

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