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takamine eg523sc strings?


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whats up everyone? so i finally got a nice guitar to replace the {censored} one i have been playing for a while. I got the tak eg523sc. I was just wondering if anyone has this guitar and can recommend strings for it? not sure what are on there now but they are a bit light for my taste, so I was thinking to go with something a bit heavier when i take it in to get it set up. would heavier strings add to projection? any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Ha, I thought the same thing when I got it, and put 13's on it (It comes stock with D'Addario EXP 12's). This screwed up the action royally and felt terrible, so I took it to a local shop and had the guy check it out. He informed me that it's best to stick with 12's since the extra tension of 13's is very hard on the guitar. So I put regular D'Addario 12's (not coated) and the guitar felt a lot better. I have never liked the feel and especially the sound of coated strings, and that experience served to reinforce that dislike.


Try a few different set's of 12's and see if it doesn't help...


Good taste in guitars btw... :thu:

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While I like the sound of Martin 80/20 12s, 13s won't hurt your guitar. Any decent guitar in good condition should be able to handle mediums, which is what 13s are. If you get it set up and don't like the 13s, 12s will be fine. You won't need to get it set up again. BTW, congratulations on the new guitar.

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thanks for the input. shouldnt the guitar be able to take a little extra tension from heavier strings? i think a good luthier should be able to set up the guitar with heavier strings and make it play fine, or am i totally off? i agree that these light strings feel weird though, remind me of an electric guitar cause they are so smooth on slides etc. the only reason i dont really like them is because it feels like i cant really strum hard with them, if that makes sense. i think more tension and bigger gauge might solve it. is the tension on those non coated 12's you got the same as the coated ones?

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thanks for the input. shouldnt the guitar be able to take a little extra tension from heavier strings? i think a good luthier should be able to set up the guitar with heavier strings and make it play fine, or am i totally off? i agree that these light strings feel weird though, remind me of an electric guitar cause they are so smooth on slides etc. the only reason i dont really like them is because it feels like i cant really strum hard with them, if that makes sense. i think more tension and bigger gauge might solve it. is the tension on those non coated 12's you got the same as the coated ones?


Most guitars should play fine with mediums. There are, however, exceptions, as Tag notes, although, AFAIK, those are mainly 12-strings. There are also some guitars--some Breedloves, for example--that simply do better with lights than they do with mediums. Tension with coated and uncoated strings should be the same, all else being equal.

As for being able to strum hard, a good setup will do wonders. If you want to check out where your guitar is right now, go to The Annex, click on "Tech Stuff," and then on "Is My Guitar Sick?" Follow the instructions and see how the relief, action, etc. measures now. If it's okay, you may not need a setup and you'll save $50 or so, but I'm betting a good setup will make a difference.

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