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Is this guitar worth it?


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Found this on Ebay:




I'm not expecting it to sound great, but I have doubts about it even sounding decent even plugged in with good electronics. And its longevity would be another concern. Would I just be paying for a cool conversation piece?

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Found this on Ebay:


I'm not expecting it to sound great, but I have doubts about it even sounding decent even plugged in with good electronics. And its longevity would be another concern. Would I just be paying for a cool conversation piece?



Depending on the electronics, it might sound good plugged in, but I doubt it'd sound like much acoustically...but, then again, you never know (sometimes the makers of "inexpensive" guitars screw up and make a great one)!


As for whether or not you need a double-neck, only you can answer that, but you indicate you've always wanted one, and at that price, you'll have no trouble selling it, probably for a profit, if you decide it's not for you...used to have an electric double-neck (Gibson 1275) and it was pretty cool for some songs, but it weighed a lot, so I mostly played it sitting down.


Also, finding a hardshell case to fit it may be very interesting...

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Was a time, I could have been persuaded to buy an SG dbl-neck although no longer. but never tempted by the likes of this.

"very high quality", maybe, but I wonder.

(that bridge is atrocious. )

I never heard of this brand of guitars.

It's like a lot of hybrids, 6-string banjos come to mind. very short honeymoon phase, followed by the "what the heck was I drinking when I bought this?" phase, which goes on and on until eventually you find someone equally enamored of these musical freaks of nature.

Trying to unload this won't be that easy. A small pool of buyers for these things.

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