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Is there such a thing as a truly silent guitar?


I know that Yamaha do nylon and steel versions which go by the name "silent" but suspect that they are not that much quieter than an unplugged electric. Or am I wrong?


Anyway, for my needs I have no desire, or intention, of paying

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Well, you may not believe this, but I actually saw one. I was in a local music shop and a guy was buying (for silent practice) what looked to me to be no more than a facsimile of a guitar without strings on it. I couldn't believe someone would actually pay money for something he could make by simply removing the strings from any old POS garage sale guitar.

When the guy left I asked the sales clerk if they sell a lot of those. He said they sell more than the average person would believe. I figure if you could sell more than one a year, it would be more than I could believe.

Wasn't it Phineas T. Barnum who once said, "There's a sucker born every minute"?

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