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A Nut Modification


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I want to raise the nut on my 12 string and then re-use it again but require some help since I've never done this before. Here are the questions I'm wondering about.


1) How do I remove the nut cleanly so as not to mark the headstock or destroy the nut?

2) What should I use as a shim?

3) Which glue should I use when putting on the shim and reattaching the nut?


Thanks for any assistance you can give me. Steadfastly

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Some nuts can be removed easily by tapping from the side (i.e. from e to E). You can use a wooden peg so that you don't damage it with the hammer.

Shim with acrylic binding or similar plastic.



Mike: Sounds very sensible to me. Thanks very much. Any idea what type of glue? Would any good quality glue good for wood and plastic do the trick?

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I've removed nuts by placing a block of wood against the fretboard side of the nut and tapping gently with a hammer. It helps to use an X-Acto or other knife and score at the base of the nut on the headstock side. That said, you'd be better off replacing the nut rather than using a shim.

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