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is it worth?????


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I am an avid guitar player and was wondering if any of you thought it was worth it to play along with drums, in the sense i mean basic drum beats from a keyboard, im not good enough to start a band yet and was wondering if this would prepare me for it, also because i have no drum playing friends, thanks

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Yes it certainly is. Unless you have some built in clock (some people seem to), you'll be amazed at how difficult it is initially, but if you want to play in a band later or even sound muscial to others when playing alone then developing the sense of rhythm and ability to listen whilst playing is very important.


Chose simple tracks to start with. A metronome is fine.

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I just bought a Fender G-DEC (which is going back because I think the speaker may be blown and it is extremely wimpy) but its very helpful playing along to the drum beats. Too bad I realized the keyboard I bought my wife has a {censored}load more beats and options so no need for the G-DEC.

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I just bought the Fender G-DEC too and love it! It has about 70 drum beats built in, plus bass and piano progressions too.


Not to mention the effects/amp models/etc. built in. It's not suitable for gigging, it's too small for that but it's perfect for the house. I also plug my IPod into the back of it and play backing tracks out of the IPod, through the amp.



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i played a roland midi thing couple weeks ago.


whenever you hit the low E string, itd play a salsa beat. it was the coolest thing ever.


so it was salsa beat on the low E, and piano on the rest of the strings.


it was extremely cool. cuz it actually sounded like a real piano, and tracked real nice.


anyway, rthym is always a good thing.

too bad i have found a consistent way to spell it yet.

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