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favorite key to play in?


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I play mostly blues/rock stuff and like to play leads a lot. I'm wondering if some of you have a particular favorite key (or keys) to play in? I'm, a self-taught hack, so when I first picked up a guitar, I basically sat down, and starting with the open low E string, started coming up with notes that sounded good using low E as my starting point. So, I basically came up with the key of E in its various varieties (E major, E minor, ....).

These days, I play reasonably fluidly in E, G, A, and B.I've been playing some lateley in C, and I find I like to play lead stuff in that key very much. Yeah, I know, if I was a virtuoso, I would be able to play in all keys equally, but as the hack that I am, and with only the time I have to play, I'm probably not going to waste a bunch of time playing in E flat or some such.

So-do some of you have favorite keys to play in?

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For blues and rock, I like E and A, because it isn't too hard to use open strings.
For country oriented stuff - C or G, for no particular reason other than they're the two keys I'm most accustomed to (although E and A are good here too).

Bb, Eb, G# & C# I'm not so keen on...

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Originally posted by Birdmove

Thanks, Alec. I have a question. On the message list showing this thread, it shows an envelope with a little black dot on it-whats that mean?

That's the 'marked member' icon. Apparently, it is applied to threads started by members who have had more than ten of their posts reported to the forum administrator. It's basically used to alert the administrator to the fact that you've opened a thread, so your posts can be monitored.

OK... I'm making this up... I don't have a clue what the icon means, but I'd be interested to know! :)

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i like C#minor/E major and A minor/C major (and variants on them (modes etc)) the most as they are the first two i learnt. i can play a bit in any but best in those 2.


iv always thought the symbol ur referring to meant that theres an unread post but i may be wrong. :confused:

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A dot in an envelope in the thread list shows you which threads you have posted in. If it's yellow, there are new posts in it, if it's blue, you've read all the posts in it so far.

I am particularly partial to A. I know where everything is in A. In other keys, i have to actually think about where I'm putting my fingers, but A, being the first key I learnt my scales in, is completely natural to me.

I wish I was better :(

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Ha! I was thinking, "I'll say my favorite is H, nobody coul've posted that yet. I'm so funny!"

I was wrong. I am an idiot.

In other news, Eb does "F" you a little (pun) what with the loss in register as its been pointed out. I used to be in a band where we played a tune called Bb because it was in Bb. It was fun. Horn players will introduce you to the flats cause they love Eb and what not.

When possible I prefer to play in no key at all. It deafens cats and the masses but it is fun as hell (which doesn't often sound very fun.)

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Originally posted by maccashash

Gb, the "key of kings." Either that or D minor, the saddest of all keys.
Look at me, I'm sobbing uncontrollably just thinking about it.

I wrote this song in D minor...I call it..."Lick My Love Pump".

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