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$1000 best spent?


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I just went to the Rondo site & they have a 2500 DC that would allow easy access to the upper frets. Rosewood fingerboard rather than ebony, but at $239 you can't go wrong. I'm telling you, you won't believe it 'til you try one. I read the same glowing reviews you've probably read and I was having a hard time buying it all, but I gathered that Rondo's customer service was excellent. I figured if it was as cheesy as I'd previously known a $250 guitar to be, I could just send it back. That was about 6 months ago and I now own 4 Agiles. Just got Grandson a SX Strat clone & I am truely amazed at what $120 will buy.

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AYB--some good and bad advice here, in my opinion. Don't waste your money on a house brand or noname import. I just bought a Japanese-made guitar (Gretsch) and it was no different in terms of quality from any of the 5 Gibsons that I own. In fact, it is inferior in many ways including fretwork, nut/bridge/tailpiece alignment and tuners. There are plenty of well made Japanese, North American and European guitars that match your specs, but you are going to have to shop for one--IN PERSON.

The problem these days is that everyone buys guitars online, and then complains about sloppy QC (they get what they deserve). Go to a real, honest to goodness guitar dealer, not Guitar Center or Sam Ash (I'm talking about Rumbleseat, Daves, Centre City, Wildwood, etc.) and play some guitars that have been hand picked and set up by reputable retailers. Half the fun of buying a guitar is playing a bunch of different styles and models. You might be surprised what you end up with.

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Originally posted by JcKerr

I'd watch e-bay for a Orville BY GIBSON it will say it on the headstock... they have nitro... gibson electronics, long tenon and are by most reports better than any LP made today...

This is the kind of stuff that makes me crazy. I believe you, Kerr, but most people who say these things have never spent time with a really good Gibson LP. And Gibson does make some really good guitars, but you have to find them. Don't expect to buy one blindly from eBay or MF.

I have five Gibsons. Two I purchased mail order (SG Classic and my first Les Paul). They are all very good instruments that most people would be proud to own and hand down to their kids or grandkids someday. I'd wouldn't feel the same about an Orville, Burney, Tokai, or Edwards.


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Originally posted by straightblues

Buy a used USA Hamer. Get either the Special, Studio or Artist and you will get everything you want. These are very high quality instruments that sound and feel fantastic. You can't go wrong with these guitars.

For more info check out:

or the company site:

Bingo, I love everything about my no frills Hamer - tone playability, build quality, you name it. If you can't find a used one to your liking why not consider a Gibson SG Classic from MF. Have heard nothing but good things and well under a grand.

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Originally posted by docjeff

AYB--some good and bad advice here, in my opinion. Don't waste your money on a house brand or noname import. I just bought a Japanese-made guitar (Gretsch) and it was no different in terms of quality from any of the 5 Gibsons that I own. In fact, it is inferior in many ways including fretwork, nut/bridge/tailpiece alignment and tuners. There are plenty of well made Japanese, North American and European guitars that match your specs, but you are going to have to shop for one--IN PERSON.

The problem these days is that everyone buys guitars online, and then complains about sloppy QC (they get what they deserve). Go to a real, honest to goodness guitar dealer, not Guitar Center or Sam Ash (I'm talking about Rumbleseat, Daves, Centre City, Wildwood, etc.) and
play some guitars that have been hand picked and set up by reputable retailers.
Half the fun of buying a guitar is playing a bunch of different styles and models. You might be surprised what you end up with.



I have been to every single store in this little country (UAE), and because of the small guitar market, the shops don't really have much in terms of variety. There isn't anything that fit my specs well enough, or if it did, simple wasn't worth the price! That's why I wanna get something online, but from a company which is known for consistent quality.


As for the SG Classic, I would get it, but i'm looking for a main guitar with humbuckers, and not P-90's.


Thanks to all who replied:D

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Originally posted by Keelbolts

I just went to the Rondo site & they have a 2500 DC that would allow easy access to the upper frets. Rosewood fingerboard rather than ebony, but at $239 you can't go wrong. I'm telling you, you won't believe it 'til you try one. I read the same glowing reviews you've probably read and I was having a hard time buying it all, but I gathered that Rondo's customer service was excellent. I figured if it was as cheesy as I'd previously known a $250 guitar to be, I could just send it back. That was about 6 months ago and I now own 4 Agiles. Just got Grandson a SX Strat clone & I am truely amazed at what $120 will buy.



I'm sure you're getting amazing value for your $120, but i'm looking into much higher-end category...i'm not ALLOWED (parents:rolleyes: ) to own more than one electric, so i want something that will be my main guitar, and play extremely well. i want a guitar which will give me every penny's worth, and i can spend a lot of pennies:D


i mean, sure, a $500 agile will be worth every single bit of that $500, and might even be worth a little more, but would i be better off with a carvin? or a MIJ tokai? even if i have to pay more, its ok, i just want the better guitar.


since i can't play the gibsons, im not gonna buy one, ill wait till i go somewhere with a decent dealer and ill play each one myself and buy the right one. until then, ill go with something more reliable.


ive looked into carvin, they also look nice, but i need to contact my dealer and see if i can get one ordered.

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First off, as you are of an age where your parents still have some input on your guitar purchases, you must disregard my earlier post wherein I suggested you invest some of your money in a bottle of rum. You may find it to be a really good investment some years from now, but not quite yet. It sounds like one of the $100 SX Strats, while they are excellent guitars for the money, is not what you're looking for. I have owned a number of Gibsons over the years and always thought of myself as a Gibson man, not a Fender guy. Years ago, when I was a working musician, those were practically your only choices. Sure, there were Guilds, Gretchs, Ricks, and, for the budget conscious, Epiphones, but were "borderline". It was Gibson or Fender on brand X. If you had shown at a gig w/ a Jap guitar they probably wouldn't let you on stage. In those days a Les Paul Custom was something like $700. Times have changed and those old brands are not the only guys producing good instruments. When I recommend a top end Agile to you it's not just as a "good value" it's that I believe that, in your price range, you can't do better. You could pay more for an Epi, a MIJ (or MIK) Tokai, or something comparable, but you are not necessarily going to get a guitar that is better. Also, God willing, This won't be you last electric guitar, but you won't outgrow it. A lot of guys use their $250 Agiles on gigs where they don't want to take their $2500 Gibsons. With the money you could save you should get a copy of Cakewalk and some effects and start recording your playing. It will do more a lot more for your playing than a more expensive (but not necessarily better) guitar.

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i like your way of thinking of investing some money into some really good.

although your parents want you to only have 1 electric if you're going to play any gigs i would highly recommend at least having a backup.

i think an edwards SG would be a great option. they're affordable and I like my edwards LP more then any gibson standard I've played. Then again it's a one of those "magic" guitars.

I do like some gibsons though and spend alot of time with then since I work in aguitar shop. I actually purchased a White les paul custom from 1979 yesterday from a customer and it sounds better and plays better then any les paul style guitar i've played....then again I haven't tried the 59' reissue we have yet;)

I would put my money on edwards because I was on the verge of another Edwards (the white LP custom copy) and inquired on the final price of a new one but that gibson les paul custom was just destiny.

so I really think you should get an edwards SG, the edwards LP I own is top notch and from what I've heard the SG is great also.

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Originally posted by Keelbolts

First off, as you are of an age where your parents still have some input on your guitar purchases, you must disregard my earlier post wherein I suggested you invest some of your money in a bottle of rum. You may find it to be a really good investment some years from now, but not quite yet. It sounds like one of the $100 SX Strats, while they are excellent guitars for the money, is not what you're looking for. I have owned a number of Gibsons over the years and always thought of myself as a Gibson man, not a Fender guy. Years ago, when I was a working musician, those were practically your only choices. Sure, there were Guilds, Gretchs, Ricks, and, for the budget conscious, Epiphones, but were "borderline". It was Gibson or Fender on brand X. If you had shown at a gig w/ a Jap guitar they probably wouldn't let you on stage. In those days a Les Paul Custom was something like $700. Times have changed and those old brands are not the only guys producing good instruments. When I recommend a top end Agile to you it's not just as a "good value" it's that I believe that, in your price range, you can't do better. You could pay more for an Epi, a MIJ (or MIK) Tokai, or something comparable, but you are not necessarily going to get a guitar that is better. Also, God willing, This won't be you last electric guitar, but you won't outgrow it. A lot of guys use their $250 Agiles on gigs where they don't want to take their $2500 Gibsons. With the money you could save you should get a copy of Cakewalk and some effects and start recording your playing. It will do more a lot more for your playing than a more expensive (but not necessarily better) guitar.



Although I don't want a Les Paul, I really appreciate your advice...


I actually have a little over $1000, but i'm using some of it to buy a new soundcard and recording software.



I probably will be buying the Edwards, because even though I do have more than $780 to spend, I made this thread to see if there was anything considerably better for my budget.


If I bought a high end Agile, it would probably end up costing around the same as the Edwards, as I'll be paying over $529 + $120 shipping + $140 for some new SD pickups (personal preference)...=$790.


Thanks to all:)

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Originally posted by solomon1979

Why don't you try me, since I have no qualms with shipping to the U.K



I've said several times I'm not looking for a Les Paul, in addition to the fact that (as I said when I PM'd you back) that the SD distortion pickups aren't what I want.

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carvin makes great guitars

there have been alot of good suggestions here in this thread, and its too bad your local stores do not have alot of variety. maybe you could take a road trip and play more guitars?

that would be the easiest way to see what is for you, to find it through trial & error letting your hands/ears tell you what you want. i personally will not order a guitar but thats a personal thing, ive always preffered handpicking my own whenever possible - but if its out of your reach then theres not much you can do.

also, i wanted to say that you really dont have to buy into all the gibson hype. there guitars out there that compare, and its a personal thing anyway. i know alot of guys are attached to gibson but the truth is there are plenty of great quality guitars out there for $1000 that could be the better choice, it just depends on exactly what you are after. im a strat guy but always keep a humbucker-equipped guitar around for versatility, ive had my fair share of nice LPs- so i dont hate gibson at all. but just because someone wants to thicken up thier sound and add sustain does not always mean they want that LP mid-heavy/cluncky thing at the same time.

i wish you could play more and let your hands tell you what is for you, thats a pretty big chance to order a type of guitar youve never played but its cool that you are getting alot of feedback about it, and there is always returns if it does not work out

good luck

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Originally posted by fishfartz

carvin makes great guitars

there have been alot of good suggestions here in this thread, and its too bad your local stores do not have alot of variety. maybe you could take a road trip and play more guitars?

that would be the easiest way to see what is for you, to find it through trial & error letting your hands/ears tell you what you want. i personally will not order a guitar but thats a personal thing, ive always preffered handpicking my own whenever possible - but if its out of your reach then theres not much you can do.

also, i wanted to say that you really dont have to buy into all the gibson hype. there guitars out there that compare, and its a personal thing anyway. i know alot of guys are attached to gibson but the truth is there are plenty of great quality guitars out there for $1000 that could be the better choice, it just depends on exactly what you are after. im a strat guy but always keep a humbucker-equipped guitar around for versatility, ive had my fair share of nice LPs- so i dont hate gibson at all. but just because someone wants to thicken up thier sound and add sustain does not always mean they want that LP mid-heavy/cluncky thing at the same time.

i wish you could play more and let your hands tell you what is for you, thats a pretty big chance to order a type of guitar youve never played but its cool that you are getting alot of feedback about it, and there is always returns if it does not work out

good luck



Hehe, the thing is: local stores=don't exist.


I have to travel a good hour and a half to get to the best stores in the country, lol.


At least my Ibanez dealer is getting a new shipment of guitars in a few weeks, i'll go check those out. I might find something i like (SZ, SA series?). I actually found an awesome prestige SA in malaysia when I went a few weeks ago, but wanted to shop around a bit more...oh well.

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Originally posted by theyab

Hehe, the thing is: local stores=don't exist.

I have to travel a good hour and a half to get to the best stores in the country, lol.

At least my Ibanez dealer is getting a new shipment of guitars in a few weeks, i'll go check those out. I might find something i like (SZ, SA series?). I actually found an awesome prestige SA in malaysia when I went a few weeks ago, but wanted to shop around a bit more...oh well.




Okay then, you're back to Ibanez so didn't you like what I said earlier? Put a ToneZone or Evolution in your RG in the bridge and you'll have enough cash left over to get another fatter sounding amp or a graphic EQ to really fatten up the sound. What kind of amp and speakers do you have? Maybe you just need the better pickup and a graphic EQ pedal if you already like your guitar and amp?

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I had the same problem as theyab when I was upgrading my guitar. I didn't have the time to travel to shops to check out guitars nor did I trust my own ability to pick a good one out of the wall hangers. I ended up ordering a carvin cuz i heard good things about their build quality, and there was a lot of information on their web site and discussion board about what all the materials and components do. Bought a dc150 with double humbuckers, then an acoustic, then a bolt kit. All fine guitars with great prices and incredible build quality. If you can manage it, try one. Don't know what carvin's oversea sales issues are, but good luck.

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Originally posted by theyab

Hehe, the thing is: local stores=don't exist.

I have to travel a good hour and a half to get to the best stores in the country, lol.

At least my Ibanez dealer is getting a new shipment of guitars in a few weeks, i'll go check those out. I might find something i like (SZ, SA series?). I actually found an awesome prestige SA in malaysia when I went a few weeks ago, but wanted to shop around a bit more...oh well.





those SZs are great guitars, but it sounds like maybe ibanez is not for you.


i also wanted to point out that an amp will have alot of impact on your overall tone. it is the single biggest factor in your whole gear chain that decides if your whole rig will sound good or not, fat or not, etc.

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Originally posted by fishfartz

those SZs are great guitars, but it sounds like maybe ibanez is not for you.

i also wanted to point out that an amp will have alot of impact on your overall tone. it is the single biggest factor in your whole gear chain that decides if your whole rig will sound good or not, fat or not, etc.



Why not Ibanez? obviously not an RG or any other floating trem equipped Ibanez right now, but I really liked the SZ's and SA's that i played...


i've got a roland cube 30 amp, its a great amp...it's loud enough for jamming and what i use it for (small gigs, bedroom practise).

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